Those Ol' Training Blues


Green Belt
Aug 28, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
Awww, it's one of those times again. Recently my training partner decided he needs to take a break from To-Shin Do for a while. I think a lazy spell has hit 'em after the holidays, but whatever the case, I am yet again, partnerless. Which is never a good thing, but ESPECIALLY not now that I'm spoiled and used to training at least twice a week 3 hours a day. I'm currently working on the fire element curriculum and was wondering, what would be the best way (until I can replace my partner) that I can still benefit and progress in this elements curriculum...I'm at a rather annoyed stand-still, and think I need to go meditate before I lose it. LOL :disgust:
Many times my training has changed faces. New partners , moving, and the like. Sometimes the training was simply the patience we must endure as we wait and learn. Most exercises can be done in a show boxing style, as Anshu shows often. AQlso it could be a time to make a few training tools to aide or even use common ones. I know for many years I used a paine tree with low branches because I couldnt afford a wooden dummy. Personal reflection is also its own and great form of training. Maybe your commitment will be an example to you your freind.:yoda:
Many times my training has changed faces. New partners , moving, and the like. Sometimes the training was simply the patience we must endure as we wait and learn. Most exercises can be done in a show boxing style, as Anshu shows often. AQlso it could be a time to make a few training tools to aide or even use common ones. I know for many years I used a paine tree with low branches because I couldnt afford a wooden dummy. Personal reflection is also its own and great form of training. Maybe your commitment will be an example to you your freind.:yoda:
You know, that sounds like a great idea! During good training seasons I could have easily said this myself, but being in a position where I am the one alone on this Musha Shugyo of mine, it's refreshing to hear others confirm my own desperate training thoughts. :)

I can also invest some time and effort to travel to Chapel Hill and train up there more during this new found free time!

Thanks again for the response.
Another idea...

Maybe 3 hours two times a week was burning your training partner out a bit... Maybe either train less often with him for a bit, or for less time? I don't know what you're doing, but you can do most conditioning alone, for example, and focus on partner exercises and work when you've got someone to work with.
Another idea...

Maybe 3 hours two times a week was burning your training partner out a bit... Maybe either train less often with him for a bit, or for less time? I don't know what you're doing, but you can do most conditioning alone, for example, and focus on partner exercises and work when you've got someone to work with.


This is a time schedule we both agreed upon. As a matter of fact, I made sure that I was pretty submissive to how he wanted to run his training, according to what he felt he needed and how long he needed to grasp things.

But I think there were multi-faceted reasons for him no longer training.

Hey, do you have anymore training suggestions for the time being? I do have another training partner, but I mostly work on MMA with things.
Speed and reflex stuff couple of things I like is hang a sheet of paper and try striking through it and hang tennis balls and get them going (like 4-5 from branches) and move and strike them.
Yeah! Sounds good. :)

That tennis ball exercise, I think I may have seen on that History Channel show, Human Weapon. Also, I recently found a website going over some detailed conditioning exercises they used in Shinden Fudo ryu, strengthening one's abilities in grappling, throwing, striking power, kicking versatility and speed, as well as coordination on rough terrain. Likewise, it has Koto ryu drills for an important skill set at this level...TOBIJUTSU!!!

Now, to organize this into a weakly plan...
ToShinDoKa, do you mind sharing the link to the Shinden Fudo Ryu conditioning exercises? It would be cool to see, read about them.

Yes, Mr. Funnieman, I don't mind at all.

It's at least 10 years old, and references not only the training drills of most of the Nine Arts, but also the Shoden (or Jo Ryaku in Gyokko ryu's case) of most of the schools are'd have to see it first.

I'm not sure who made it, but it's been helpful as an unofficial source of insight.
Awww, it's one of those times again. Recently my training partner decided he needs to take a break from To-Shin Do for a while. I think a lazy spell has hit 'em after the holidays, but whatever the case, I am yet again, partnerless. Which is never a good thing, but ESPECIALLY not now that I'm spoiled and used to training at least twice a week 3 hours a day. I'm currently working on the fire element curriculum and was wondering, what would be the best way (until I can replace my partner) that I can still benefit and progress in this elements curriculum...I'm at a rather annoyed stand-still, and think I need to go meditate before I lose it. LOL :disgust:

Sounds like a good time to take up some MMA. No end of training partners there, and they don't "just get lazy."
Speed and reflex stuff couple of things I like is hang a sheet of paper and try striking through it and hang tennis balls and get them going (like 4-5 from branches) and move and strike them.

That really has nothing to do with fight training.

Unless tennis balls and pieces of paper often threaten you.

But dude, without training at all, I'm pretty sure you could still beat a tennis ball's *** if it gets cheeky with you.
That really has nothing to do with fight training.

Unless tennis balls and pieces of paper often threaten you.

But dude, without training at all, I'm pretty sure you could still beat a tennis ball's *** if it gets cheeky with you.
Do you ever actually offer a constructive comment?

The purpose of striking moving targets is to develop the ability to strike accurately; last time I looked, people didn't tend to simply stand there waiting to be hit. Similarly, striking through or tearing paper is a good test of your accuracy and your technique. Try it sometime; hang a piece of ordinary typing paper from something like a pair of clothespins on a hanger, or just get a partner to hold it at the corners (don't hold it right in front of your face... I'd hope I don't have to say that, but you never know...) and try to tear the paper with one punch. It's harder than you might think...
Do you ever actually offer a constructive comment?

The purpose of striking moving targets is to develop the ability to strike accurately; last time I looked, people didn't tend to simply stand there waiting to be hit. Similarly, striking through or tearing paper is a good test of your accuracy and your technique. Try it sometime; hang a piece of ordinary typing paper from something like a pair of clothespins on a hanger, or just get a partner to hold it at the corners (don't hold it right in front of your face... I'd hope I don't have to say that, but you never know...) and try to tear the paper with one punch. It's harder than you might think...

Yes it is thats why I offered the thought and also you are becoming the King Necro also.

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G Ketchmark / shesulsa
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