Things you never thought you'd say at the pump

:eek: "$70 on number eleven, please!" :angry:

At least I got change ...
Is this the point where an Englishman is supposed to poke his head in and say something like "You Yanks don't know you're born!" :D.

To elaborate somewhat more sensibly, over here in Blighty we pay roughly $2 a litre (1 US gallon = 3.785 litre) and earn roughly half as much (for an equivalent profession) - life is so unfair :cries:.

But your country is only a fraction of the size of ours, so big oil has to make up the lost revenue of poor trucking/transit money somewhere!! :D

(P.S. that's sarcasm btw. :lol:)
ROFL, Moose :tup:.

The real joke is that the oil companies don't get the cash, the government does, as the majority of the pump price of fuel here comes from taxes/levies.
Is this the point where an Englishman is supposed to poke his head in and say something like "You Yanks don't know you're born!" :D.

To elaborate somewhat more sensibly, over here in Blighty we pay roughly $2 a litre (1 US gallon = 3.785 litre) and earn roughly half as much (for an equivalent profession) - life is so unfair :cries:.

Keep in mind that I had one job for a year that required a sixty mile drive, one way, to get to and from work every day.

It's all relative
Keep in mind that I had one job for a year that required a sixty mile drive, one way, to get to and from work every day.

It's all relative

Yes, its all relative. Unfortunately, down here we're paying about $1.40 - $1.60 AUS a litre which works out at somewhere between $4.50 and $5.00 US a gallon and we have vast distances to cover to get anywhere. I am very glad I work only ten minutes drive from my house. But if I want to visit my family that's 350km (about 215 miles) to Sydney and back.

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