But there’s a catch... There’s relatively countless hours of film on boxing. Fighters train it day in and day out. They’re in the ring and it can be watched in real time. It’s relatively easy to determine who won and lost, and why and how they did so. Needless to say, it can be fine tuned easily by a person with the right “eye” for it.
Actual fighting doesn’t have that luxury. To go all
@drop bear with this, there’s no quality control, validation, etc. when it comes to actual fighting. We can easily prove Dundee’s, D’Amato’s, Roach’s, et al’s success and failure rates; we can’t prove a person who’s teaching people to actually fight’s success and failure rates. We have to take their word for it or reject it based pretty much on blind faith. Dundee and the like can claim his fighters are 1000-0 in the ring and we can verify this; an SD, MA instructor can claim whatever they want and there’s no way to confirm nor dispute it as fact. My CI can claim none of his students have ever lost a real fight. Prove him right or prove him wrong.
But yeah. My CI has two artificial hips, and needs on redone. He can’t kick nor move as well as most of us in the dojo. But he has no problem with seeing our flaws and teaching us to correct them.