the worst movie you have ever seen

Technopunk said:
the heroine, in her dress, looked to be about a "C" cup... at most, but when the body double got naked she had like "DD" cups that were OBVIOUSLY fake

My Gawd, I think I went out with her...
Swordlady said:
Hey 32-year-old brother is totally hooked on "A Christmas Story". He has the DVD and watches it every year on TNT's 24 hour "Christmas Story" marathon. I enjoy it too - and I'm a year older than my brother. We're definitely not five years old. ;)

Yeah Im in the same age bracket as you guys, and I watch it at least once a Christmas season.

I really want one of those Lamps... After all, it is a Major Award.
"Legends of the Fall" - couldn't even finish it.

"Carmilla" - saved only by the fact that it had Meg Tilly in it (she's pretty to look at). The original novel that they "based" the movie on by Sheridan Le Fanu, is a vampire story that predates (and influenced) Bram Stoker's 1897 novel "Dracula".
Looking back over the posts, I have to give nods to "Killer Klowns From Outer Space" as well as "The Warrior and The Sorcceres". Speaking of Carradine, don't forget "Deathsport"

"The Sword and the Sorcerer" was Albert Pyuns first movie (and probably his best. So if you don't like it...think of where his career may have gone...and then go rent "Nemesis" or "Omega Doom" to find out just where)

And I fondly recall such works as "Megaforce" form an age where all action and sci-fi was cool. It's only been in the last few years that've learned what stuff my parents made me watch

Last weekends entertainment, for those curious, was the Italian post-apocalyptic piece known as "2019: After The Fall Of New York"
A friend showed me the vampire movie "Near Dark" (an all-time favorite of his). Luckily, he then moved away.
A friend showed me the vampire movie "Near Dark"

I've been meaning to see that one.

I'll see nearly anything with Lance Henricksen in it. Or Christopher Lambert or Rutger Hauer
I didn't like it at all, but who knows...the cinematography was good at least.

I'll pass on the leg lamp though!
There's a store at the local mall that sells leg lamps- expensive though, even for the mini lamps. Call me crazy, but the only vampire movie (outside of comedic) I actually fairly liked, was Lost Boys- majority of the others I find to be boring.
Some other possible candidates aside from A Christmas Story:

Any Friday The 13th after the first one
The new Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2 cool scenes does not a movie make)
Swordlady said:
You can buy a leg lamp here:


Ha, yeah, I have seen them, I just cant make myself BUY one... people already think I am a Pervert because I "liberated" the female manniquin from the store I used to run and its standing in my rec room in a cheerleader outfit. (Don't ask... thats a LONG story)...

Could you imagine the leg lamp? Hehe.
OnlyAnEgg said:
Plan 9 From Outer Space. Hands down the worst.

Are you kidding? As far as Ed Wood Films go... thats one of the BEST... If you think Plan 9 was worst, you havnt seen Necromania or Shotgun Weddings...

Ed Wood, for as TERRIBLE as his films were... made close to 50 or 60 movies. The ones you HEAR about... Glen or Glenda, Bride of the Monster, Plan Nine, and Jail Bait were among his BEST...
Technopunk said:
The ones you HEAR about... Glen or Glenda, Bride of the Monster, Plan Nine, and Jail Bait were among his BEST...

Someone's best can still be the worst :) I didn't say I didn't enjoy it; but, as far as well-crafted movies go, it's not.

Movies I couldn't finish watching? Maybe that's closer to the mark:
  • Eyes Wide Shut
  • High Tension
Ghosts of mars

Starship troopers

the addams family

i'm sure theres more but i usually put them out of my mind when they are really bad.
arnisador said:
Dude...I watched the sequel ("Starship Troopers 2: Heroes of the Federation"). Now that was a bad movie.

I was lucky enough not to be subjected to that horror yet. I have a lot of friends who swear the first one is really good though, i really disagree.
I thought the first one was only bad in the sense that it completely abandoned the storyline of the book it was based on. As an action/sci-fi flick, it wasn't bad...

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