I got my start in nursing in 1973...Nurs'e Aide in an extended care facility...the work was OK, but the leadership was "iffy." Pay??? just above minimum wage.
I wanted to go to college but couldn't afford it...so I joined the Army for Practical Nurse Course and took the next step up in nursing...pay was OK...three hots and a cot, plus $238/month.
Of course, the opportunity for advancement was there, too...
I did that for seven years...the Army offered me a desk job and a chance to move...I chose to go to college (that was the original plan, afterall).
Went from about $1200/month to $480/month...(my wife also chose to get out so she got her $480/month, as well) but I didn't have a lot of overhead...the GI Bill paid for gas, food, rent...I figured school was my full-time employment so I focused on that and martial arts...after college, I joined the Army, again...spent the next four years at Tripler MedCen in Hawaii...then they threatened me with another desk job...so I went back to school.
The rmy paid for it all this time around (I stayed on active duty)...
Now I spend 80% of my time clinical and 20% admin (can't completely avoid the desk jobs I guess)...I teach for the Army Anesthesia Nursing program...best job I've ever had...challenging, rewarding, and an esprit de corps among the providers I've not seen since my days in a field unit when I was enlisted.
The secret to my successes in school? training in YiLiQuan...
The secret to my success in my anesthesia practice? YiLiQuan...
The secret to my being a good teacher in the OR? Teaching YiLiQuan...
The secret to a successful career as an officer in the Army? YiLiQuan...it kept me from saying things I might have regretted otherwise...
Thanks for sharing your story, I hope I didn't bore you with mine