the worst movie you have ever seen

Ok, I have you ALL beat... hands down... I challenge ANYONE on this board to watch it and tell me HONESTLY they could find anything worse.

The movie was part of a horror 2pack of DvDs from Suncoast for 4.99, and it was entitled "Fraternity Demon".

The story was, pathetic. The Acting was worse. The filmography looked like some kid shot it on his Parents VHS camcorder. The sound was so... bad that some people couldnt be heard at all, some were totaly loud, it was all 100% Tinny like it was recorded with a PC microphone.

Oh and the BEST scene was the sex scene between the "hero" nerd, and "heroine" nerd... it was blatantly ovious they used a body double because 1) The main actress has a sort of dirty brown/blonde hair, but the hair on the body double was bright bleach blonde... 2) the heroine, in her dress, looked to be about a "C" cup... at most, but when the body double got naked she had like "DD" cups that were OBVIOUSLY fake...

So... lets recap...

Story? Icky.
Acting? Missing.
Quality? VHS home movie, at best.
Continuity? Whats that?

On a scale of 1-10, I would rate this film 1/2. And it ONLY earned that 1/2 for the clever Frat and Sorority Names:

Sigma Upsilon Xi or "Sux"


Alpha Sigma Sigma or "***"

Ouch. Ouch. I cant believe I paid 2.50 for this DVD.

Thats 2.49 more than it was worth.
How about "Jack Frost"- NOT starring Michael Keaton- the "horror" film.

It was sheer stupidity! I think it was a made for t.v. movie, though.
The worst movie I ever saw has to be No Retreat No Surrender. The fact that Bruce Lee comes back from the dead, and they get some dude that looks nothing like the late Bruce Lee to play him, in order to train some kid and then Jean Claude Van Damme plays the villain wow lol. That was a bad movie. Let's see whatelse did it have some guy kick boxing doing spinning crescent kicks, some really heavy kid in a gi who is eating inside the dojo, and RJ who never practices karate but always runs around with a beat box and knows how to dance real well I mean my god what a terrible movie.
Loaded Weapon 1 w/ Emilio Estevez & Samuel L. Jackson. My room mate & I saw it in the theatre ('91-ish). We're both the kinda guys who laugh at anything & we didn't laugh once. Its not even on the "so bad its good" scale. Its just bad.
Any of the Chuckie or the Leprechaun movies. PLEEEAAASE, somebody just shoot those two sawed off little runts.

arnisador said:
Ah, but it's a classic!
And it's an important film about saying goodbye to victimization and breaking a horrible cycle. How good can you expect a kid to act, anyway?
shesulsa said:
And it's an important film...
All Quiet On The Western Front is an important film...
Spartacus is an important film...
The "plot" of Whiny American Brat (The European release name) boils down to this: Ralphie whines until he gets his way. That's pretty much it...
What's next? Can we talk about the stunning social commentary in the other great Peter Billingsley classic, The Dirtbike Kid? :)
"Dragon Lives Again"

Bruce Lee is in the underworld, where he takes on the Godfather with the help of Popeye the Sailor. The Godfather has among his henchmen: Clint Eastwood, James Bond, Emmanuel, The Exorcist (a chinese guy in catholic priests robes), and Zatoichi. It's bad. really bad. I can't tell you how weird this movie is. Like, even the Chinese probably thought this was bad.

The opening scene has Bruce laying on a table, supposedly dead, a sheet covers him up to his chest. he apparently has a huge erection... the King of the underworld remarks "his chi is apparently still very strong". Turns out to be his 'chucks, but only after about 10 minutes of puns and sight gags about his pitched tent. Including a shot of some crickets cimbing on it, cutting to show the actor trying not to laugh (because apparently the crickets are tickling him).

The Godfather, the Exorcist, Emmanuel and Clint Eastwood are discussing what to do about Bruce Lee. The Exorcist says "Don't worry! We've got Dracula, and he can summon his demon army."

Until I watched this movie last night I was convinced that the Omega Code was the worst movie ever. but now I KNOW that it is "The Dragon Lives Again".
Kreth said:
All Quiet On The Western Front is an important film...
Spartacus is an important film...
The "plot" of Whiny American Brat (The European release name) boils down to this: Ralphie whines until he gets his way. That's pretty much it...
What's next? Can we talk about the stunning social commentary in the other great Peter Billingsley classic, The Dirtbike Kid? :)
Are we talking about the same movie? Where there are two young boys, one of whom is abused by his step-father repeatedly until he "flies away?"
shesulsa said:
Are we talking about the same movie? Where there are two young boys, one of whom is abused by his step-father repeatedly until he "flies away?"


Thats "Radio Flyer"

We were Discussing "A Christmas Story"
Cujo said:
Any of the Chuckie or the Leprechaun movies. PLEEEAAASE, somebody just shoot those two sawed off little runts.



Chuckie vs The Leprechan would ROCK!
Oh yeah!!! Sorry - my bad .... (and, btw, Technofunk, that's why I asked ... :p
Cujo said:
Any of the Chuckie or the Leprechaun movies. PLEEEAAASE, somebody just shoot those two sawed off little runts.


Sounds to me like you're predujiced against short people. :rolleyes:
michaeledward said:
No ... I don't hate to inform you ... the true winner is ....

The Avengers!

What was Sean Connery smoking?

Holy crap! We agree on something!!! Yeah that was pathetic. Of course the countless B-movies (Ator, Fighting Eagle was a bad one), but they don't really count. I also hated the Age of Innocence the most. Avengers was the worst, but I hated AoE the most because for some reason when I saw the previews, I htought there might be a little action in it, kind of a Robin Hood-like movie with a bit of adventure. Instead, it was about two people who fall in love, but one's already married, so they both accept it and move on. It was a love affair that didn't happen. So something that doesn't happen is definitively nothing; therefore it was literally a movie about nothing. And man, was it long!

Never saw Omega Code, though. I've heard it's up there on the crappy list.
Kreth said:
1. Ralphie is annoying
2. I'm not 5
3. Ralphie is annoying

Hey 32-year-old brother is totally hooked on "A Christmas Story". He has the DVD and watches it every year on TNT's 24 hour "Christmas Story" marathon. I enjoy it too - and I'm a year older than my brother. We're definitely not five years old. ;)
Swordlady said:
Hey 32-year-old brother is totally hooked on "A Christmas Story". He has the DVD and watches it every year on TNT's 24 hour "Christmas Story" marathon. I enjoy it too - and I'm a year older than my brother. We're definitely not five years old. ;)
As I said above, weak plot, weak acting. I'll take It's A Wonderful Life or hell, even Rudolph The Rednosed Reindeer over A Christmas Story anyday...

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