The True Ninja

Aye, and so it came to pass. Shooting was yesterday, and one of the segments was exploring whether shuko could stop a sword cut. They wanted one of their crew to try to split my skull. . .Turned out the one they had in mind was Kari. I have some nice post-shoot pics with her. . .

BTW, she's a lot hotter in person than she is on the screen.

I have a guessing game for you Dale. Guess what finger I am holding up to the screen because you got to work with Kari? :lfao:

Just kidding of course. Sounds like a good time actually. From watching the show it just looks like they are enjoying themselves while shooting, would that be correct? Any timeframe for the air date.
Aye, and so it came to pass. Shooting was yesterday, and one of the segments was exploring whether shuko could stop a sword cut. They wanted one of their crew to try to split my skull. . .Turned out the one they had in mind was Kari. I have some nice post-shoot pics with her. . .

BTW, she's a lot hotter in person than she is on the screen.

Dale what you do to further the cause for Budo Taijutsu. You deserve a medal or something.
Dale what you do to further the cause for Budo Taijutsu. You deserve a medal or something.

Yeah, it was pretty hard on me but I persevered. . .

I first demonstrated the shuko/sword thing with judan Joel Everett, the instructor for the Bujinkan Sacramento Dojo: I needed someone who knew his way around a sword to add realism to the whole thing, and none of my folks were available during that time window (morning). It would not have been at all the same without him there.

I was pleased that I had the opportunity to explain before doing it that what was important was the TACTICS that allow you to take the blade at the right place; and they were startled to realize that we were going to be actually moving around, jockeying for distance & positioning, as in a real fight. We did it totally "cold", had not practiced it with each other at all before the crew arrived or anything.

They were rather stunned for a moment by the "KRANG!!" of steel on steel. Especially because, since Joel was giving me such a "real fight" feeling, it didn't even occur to me to "just stop the sword". Without even thinking I continued to flow, reversing the blade and "cutting" across his neck as I threw him. We did about 20 takes of that as they shot from different angles.

Then it was Kari's turn; and what she lacked in form & technique she made up for in sincerity when trying to split my skull. (We went from a stationary start and I didn't "kill" her at the end.) Again, we did it totally "cold" without practicing it together first.

The afternoon session featured Adam & Jamie coming in and watching a class in progress for a bit (we managed to get about 25 people in, from 5 dojo altogether). We were working on a Kukishin ryu kata; we'd also been told that Adam & Jamie might just observe for a while before asking questions, or they might want to actually participate a bit. They watched a while, Adam asked some questions, then said he'd like to try this stuff out. When I invited him to join in on the kata we were working on, he said he'd rather just attack me and try to kick my @$$ and see what would happen.

What happened was him basically falling down on the floor and not understanding how it was happening. Twice, though I did something a little different the second time. (Quote: "That really felt weird!!) Then he wanted me to use a weapon of some kind (he didn't specify) and see what would happen with that. I said okay, came back a minute later apparently unarmed, and said "Let's go" and he went for it. As he was getting up I showed him the weapon, which he had never seen or felt; and he then had the cameraman get a good shot of what would have been happening with the weapon at each stage in the same sequence of movements.

I don't know what else will be featured on the show, and don't have a "need to know". I think they're playing with mizugumo, and I know they're doing something involving catching arrows; not sure what else may be featured. I am, however, VERY sure that Soke will be pleased with how the Bujinkan comes across on the show.

I should have the exact release date in about a week, right now it looks like it will be sometime in April.
Aye, and we expect to this time too. They were interested in the "Hollywood myth" of ninja throwing down a smoke bomb and disappearing, but (along with a number of other bubbles I've burst for them) I pointed out that they did have explosive, incendiary, and smoke-producing pyrotechnics (and explained the tactical uses of each), but that these used black powder and had to be fuse-lit; so the idea of the (historic) ninja throwing down a contact-detonated device doesn't hold up. I did suggest that the "vanishing in a cloud" bit might have come from the use of metsubushi powders.

You'll probably still end up seeing some things that go boom, but in a way consistent with the sengoku jidai. Expect to see metsubushi eggshells at some point too. :-)

Oh by the way, Jamie really does wear that beret all the time.

Awesome. I can't wait to see this! :)
Nope, no worries there. I do know what it involves and I have a brief part in it; but I ain't talkin'.

Wish I could add attachments to posts here, I'd put up a pic. . .

E-mail them to somebody and have them post the pics for you. I'm really looking forward to this episode.
Dale, I am very excited to see this! Sounds like it will be very positive. :)

Well, from what I've seen in past episodes they seem to go out of their way to not make any individuals or groups "look bad". And we already looked good.

So I do have high hopes for this one.

BTW, I really "got" Tory on his last interview question. He asked me, in a very serious tone but obviously very tongue in cheek, "Is it true that only a ninja can kill a ninja?"

I told him I didn't think that was quite true, that I was pretty sure an occasional pirate had managed to get lucky. . .
E-mail them to somebody and have them post the pics for you. I'm really looking forward to this episode.

't'ain't quite that simple. When I reply to a post there should be a "Manage Attachments" option visible for this type of board. It ain't there.
't'ain't quite that simple. When I reply to a post there should be a "Manage Attachments" option visible for this type of board. It ain't there.

If I remember right, I think you have to be a supporting member to post attachments. All the way at the bottom of the page will tell you if it is open to you. I know you have been around these boards a heck of a lot longer than I have, so it feels "wrong" to even post something like this. :)

I would have PAID to see the look on his face when you said that about the Pirates. :lfao:
If I remember right, I think you have to be a supporting member to post attachments. All the way at the bottom of the page will tell you if it is open to you. I know you have been around these boards a heck of a lot longer than I have, so it feels "wrong" to even post something like this. :)

Yep, I think you're right. Says I can't post attachments. Want to PM me your email address, and I can send a pic you can post?

I would have PAID to see the look on his face when you said that about the Pirates. :lfao:

Well, I had an unfair advantage: I knew from a meeting a couple weeks previously which he hadn't attended that there would be at least some passing reference to "Ninjas vs. Pirates". Took him completely by surprise.
BTW, I really "got" Tory on his last interview question. He asked me, in a very serious tone but obviously very tongue in cheek, "Is it true that only a ninja can kill a ninja?"

I told him I didn't think that was quite true, that I was pretty sure an occasional pirate had managed to get lucky. . .

Not only skill, but wit too! :rofl:
Must be... The server seems to have melted down. I cannot open the link. I get a MAP error message, complaining the database is too hot. :p

It's up now.

However, I still can't see the pictures. I registered for an account yesterday, did the email confirmation, and seem to be stuck waiting for a moderator to "confirm" my account.

I am unimpressed.