The 'stabless' knife comes to England

Ladle crime is very serious and one shouldn't make light of it, a ladle full of hot soup in your lap isn't funny :lfao:
Now this is a topic I have experience with :D (straights, not crime) I have been using and restoring straights for many years.
Straights are good for only 2 things apart from shaving obvisouly)

- scaring someone (they look mean)
- scarring / killing someone when they are out or unawares.

They pivot like a folder, but there is no catch to keep them open. They'll flip around in your hand and cut you very bad.
The edge breaks off as soon as they hit anything solid (except for old style wedges).
The scales are flimsy and likely to crack if you exert force on them.

As a weapon, they are about the most ****** things you can think off. They are at least as dangerous to the wielder as to the one being attacked.

Sure, in a crime of passion you can cut up someone really bad with it. After all, it has an edge. But you could do the same with a pair of scissors, or a breadknife, or an icepick, or...

You know I haven't see a cutthroat razor for years, do people still use them for shaving? they used to be popular weapons in Glasgow years ago and a slash across the mouth was known as the Glasgow smile ( as opposed to the Glasgow kiss - a headbutt)

One weapon that is often used not by kids but by professional criminals is wooden craft knives, turns out they are really nasty, another thing is sticking two Stanley knife blades to a piece of wood etc close together so when it slahes across a face it leaves two cuts quite close together which makes it hard for medics to stitch or close so leaving a scar.
Thieves here don't mug at knife point instead they walk past stabbing people in the backside then turning and stealing wallets etc, it's a non fatal wound in an embarrassing place so they bank on the victim not reporting it which often they won't.

Knives has always been more popular than guns here even when guns were more easily available.
What the people on here don't seem to understand thats IT'S NOT A GOVERNMENT INITIATIVE!!. It's a manufacturer who wants to make some money that has brought this out (thought that was an American ideal btw?) he submitted it for testing to a govenment many others do.. and they said yeah it does what you said it does or doesn't if you want to look at it like that.
Only the manufacturer who is aiming to sell loads is plugging this as an anti crime knife nobody here is stupid to enough to think selling these will stop crime only many of you seem to be insulting enough to think we are really thinking this will save lives. Get real people....this is a man out to make money,not a government trying to stop crime, just because the research place says it's 'fit for purpose' as are a lot of other things don't go mistaking a money making enterprise with the governments initiatives on crime.

As for the doctors that want to ban knives, they also want to ban boxing, MMA and martial arts so guess how much notice we take of them?
Come on, if the government hadn't invented the hysteria, there would be no 'Knife Crisis' hysteria vacuum to fill. It's not one man, it's a cultural phenomenon that one man is seeking to make a profit off of. It's your country, do with it as you like........but many folks feel free to ridicule the US and tell us what is wrong with our country.......that arrow points both ways!
You know I haven't see a cutthroat razor for years, do people still use them for shaving? they used to be popular weapons in Glasgow years ago and a slash across the mouth was known as the Glasgow smile ( as opposed to the Glasgow kiss - a headbutt)

Yup we still do. :)

I am a supermod / tech admin at , the oldest resource for straight razor shavers on the internet.

Our membership is about the same as MT, and growing steadily.
I can say truthfully that no shaving cartridge or electric razor has touched my face for almost 3 years. I have been using a straight for 18 years now. I've been restoring antique blades for 3 years, and the oldest blade in my rotation is 200 years old.

The glassgow smile was only used if the victim was totally unawares or already subdued (chokehold, unconcious, etc). Trust me: you really don't want to swing your hands around for an actual fight when holding a razor.
Come on, if the government hadn't invented the hysteria, there would be no 'Knife Crisis' hysteria vacuum to fill. It's not one man, it's a cultural phenomenon that one man is seeking to make a profit off of. It's your country, do with it as you like........but many folks feel free to ridicule the US and tell us what is wrong with our country.......that arrow points both ways!

Well, aim your post at those who ridicule your country then not me. I haven't ridiculed the US or suggested what they should do. The most I said is that the anti gun lobby shouldn't use the UK and Europe as examples as we are different cultures and systems, this was in answer to a poster who explained that we were being used as such. You don't even know what my views are on guns or weapons, and I actually have no opinion on the US and whether it's citizens should be armed or not, not my business.

I'd say it wasn't the government who invented the knife crisis if thats what we have rather the media and the Tory media at that. This has been going on a long time now and it's only posts here criticising us that make me comment on some of the absurd views people have of the situation.
I'd say it wasn't the government who invented the knife crisis if thats what we have rather the media and the Tory media at that. This has been going on a long time now and it's only posts here criticising us that make me comment on some of the absurd views people have of the situation.

It's a cultural issue.......otherwise there would be no niche to fill.

I feel free to commentate on absurdity wherever I see it......that knows no national boundaries.
Yup we still do. :)

I am a supermod / tech admin at , the oldest resource for straight razor shavers on the internet.

Our membership is about the same as MT, and growing steadily.
I can say truthfully that no shaving cartridge or electric razor has touched my face for almost 3 years. I have been using a straight for 18 years now. I've been restoring antique blades for 3 years, and the oldest blade in my rotation is 200 years old.

The glassgow smile was only used if the victim was totally unawares or already subdued (chokehold, unconcious, etc). Trust me: you really don't want to swing your hands around for an actual fight when holding a razor.

Much as I love blades I can't see me using a razor for it's orignal purpose lol! Do men use them because they are superior to all the modern shavers then?
It's a cultural issue.......otherwise there would be no niche to fill.

I feel free to commentate on absurdity wherever I see it......that knows no national boundaries.

But you're not keen if others do it of your country?
Carrying a knife specifically as a weapon is banned not the carrying of knives as such. I realise thats probably a rather legalistic answer but it works here. Everyone was in a panic when 'samurai' swords were banned but the martial artists and the collectors haven't been bothered by this as they've foundout, you can still buy the proper swords you want you just can't buy the cheap £25 sets anymore which were flooding the market and causing the problems.

The British people may look like we are docile sometimes but trust me we're not, at the moment MPs are busy resigning and those who aren't are panicking like hell over their expenses befcause we've said enough and they are having to quit. In the end the government knows who's in charge lol and thats us!

So...just tell the "bobby" that it's your nail-cleaning, fish-gutting, all-purpose-except-specifically-as-a-weapon-knife and you're all good. Right? LOL
Much as I love blades I can't see me using a razor for it's orignal purpose lol! Do men use them because they are superior to all the modern shavers then?

Well the number of people using is still a teeny tiny minority of all people, but it is going through a revival. To give you a couple of basics advantages / disadvantages:

- using one is fun and cool (imo)
- if you use antiques, you can use blades that have been passed down through the ages. I find the historical connection interesting.
- it is no more dangerous than using a cartridge, but you have to focus.
- it can be much easier on the skin. Instead of grating your skin with a 5 blade cartridge, it's just 1 blade. People with sensitive skin might really benefit from using a straight.
- there is an initial investment to make, and a significant learning curve in shaving and maintenance. But after that there are no more expenses. With the price of cartridge blades, you break even pretty quickly if you don't fall for the various acquisition disorders.
- it is better for the environment because all those spent cartridges have to go somewhere, and there is a significant amount of trace metal in those blades.
- shaving with a straight is more time consuming than shaving with cartridges or electrics.

The majority of men will never use a straight because they are convinced that modern == better, whereas 'better' is apoint of view. Yes, you can shave faster and with less of a learning curve with one of those gillette fusion thingies. And you can do so in the shower and without paying attention. But it's also much more expensive in the long run, less gentle on the skin, and (imo) much less fun.
So...just tell the "bobby" that it's your nail-cleaning, fish-gutting, all-purpose-except-specifically-as-a-weapon-knife and you're all good. Right? LOL

We don't stop people who are going about their business peacefully and search them. You will have to have done something suspicious to get a copper to search you. People presume that we stop and search people at random we don't. If you have a reason for carrying a knife there's no problem...unless there's a body with a knife stuck in it at your feet. Most countries police will ask you a few questions then!

Whatever you think, British people aren't known to be hysterical, they are actually very stoical, the papers may try to whip a frenzy but people here don't tend to get exited, we leave that to our cousins lol! We are all very concerned about the future of the countries children though not just the knife stuff but alcohol has long been an issue here as has violence really, anyone heard about the football 'firms'?
"the papers may try to whip a frenzy but people here don't tend to get exited, we leave that to our cousins lol! "

? huh, which cousins? I am assuming that is a dig at the U.S.? It is funny, you French have a sense of humor after all.

We don't stop people who are going about their business peacefully and search them. You will have to have done something suspicious to get a copper to search you. People presume that we stop and search people at random we don't.

"Thousands of people are being stopped and searched by the police under their counter-­terrorism powers – simply to ­provide a racial balance in official statistics, the government’s official anti-terror law watchdog has revealed."


"Thousands of people are being stopped and searched by the police under their counter-­terrorism powers – simply to ­provide a racial balance in official statistics, the governmentÂ’s official anti-terror law watchdog has revealed."

Ah the Guardian, thousands across a country of millions it should add. Each stop takes well over an hour to complete the paper work it requires so much manpower it isn't used much, mostly in the cities. After all we did have a bit of a bombing a little while ago.
The Guardian is anti government (any) and anti establishment, it qualifies as liberal under the American description.

Brian, it wasn't a dig at all at America, more a fond observaton, Americans are more enthuisatic than us for many things and it's more to our detriment that we are maybe more jaded and cynical.
Chris, I don't what you've been reading about our countries but we actually have very little need to be armed. It's all about perception.

Whether you have very little need to exercise one of your rights is irrelevant. I just never cared for government infringing on my rights. YMMV, of course.

Like abortion violent crime brings emotion to the discussion but looked at objectively we don't have such a huge problem as first appears. If I say well 20 kids were murdered by knife attacks in such and such city in one year people will be horrified but loooked at coldly out of a population of a couple of million people 20 isn't very many but what politician or police officer is going to point that out? It sounds cold blooded. Then point out that half of those deaths were drug related and a quarter gang related. It sounds now as if that city has a drug problem and gangs running wild everywhere.
Then look at it historically and you will find our country has never been so peaceful, orderly and have such low crime figures! It's true though, crime is actually at the lowest it's ever been and that includes the times when people were armed.
So whats going on? firstly we do have a problem with a section of youth in this country. The 'glamour' of the American gang scene as seen on films and in music appeals to many young teenagers, we also have homegrown gangs (the soccer 'firms') and the Jamaican ones. Alcohol has been a problem here for centruries, have a look at Hogarths pictures. The big companies have been pushing 'alcopops' onto the market aggressively targetting young people. Pubs and clubs have 'happy hours' and women drink free policies. We've always had a culture of 'get as many drinks down your neck as fast as you can' here. You get drunk, fight, have a curry, throw up, stagger home and that was a grand night! that applies to men and women alike.

Then theres drugs, kids see drug dealers on their patch with new cars, bling and money, they see themselves as unable or unwilling toto get a job and work for money, dealing is so much easier. Maggie Thatcher's government pushed the 'greed is good' message so hard that it's all the kids think about.

The media and the politicians go hand in hand, they all have an agenda they want to push. Murders of children by children make good news headlines so when they happen they are plastered everywhere. Yes they are a huge tragedy, a problem we really need to sort but the politiians use each new murder as something to berate the government with without actually offering any constructive ideas. Each party promises that if the get in crime will fall, an easy promise to make.

There is a big problem with our children killing each other but an all parties committee needs to look at this to find the best ways of dealing with it, to drop all the politics and really look into how to stop this rot. It's not as widespread as many would have us think nor are young people all violent but ther is a problem

This is all interesting but, I think, not really germane to what I was saying.

It's a mistake I think for Americans who support gun control to point to Europe as being the ideal. We don't share the same history or the same cultural interest or beliefs. Sure many Americans started as Europeans but they quickly and rightly became American and adopted American customs. Another things is that America is enormous with a huge population comapred to the UK and other European countries, always easier to contain crime in a smaller place. some of your cities are bigger than some of Europe's countries lol!

It's not really a matter of the ease of containing crime. Heck, I can think of at least a couple of methods of containing nearly all violent crime. But I'd never suggest implementing them.

Chris I don't know why you think I'm being amusing when I say no one has been done for defending themselves here as they haven't whatever you seem to think. And why do you think my country denies me the right to bear arms when I can look over my shoulder at my gun cabinet full of weapons?

Because of the posts you've made in this thread.

why do you assume that everyone here would want to be armed or in actual fact there is a big need to be armed.

I've made no such assumption.

Like abortion it's not an issue here,

No offense, but this statement is simply an illustration that you might not have all the information on the aboriton issue in the U.K. And, if that's the case, you might not be correct about the issue at hand, either.

if it were I'm sure there'd be an uproar, the Great British public is never backwards in coming forwards with what it wants. If this country wanted to be armed, it would be, simple as that.

Hey, in the absence of any sort of actual data about this assertion I can only say, meh. But, in any event, I'm not really sure what you say here directly impacts anything I have said in this thread.

We had a big public campaign recently for Gurkhas rights, the government was forced to change its mind and the law.

The Gurkhas are awesome.

If British people as a whole wanted to be armed they would say so. Don't make the mistake of thinking we are like you, we barely speak the same language! You may have visited here but you know little about us frankly! We may be 'cousins' but we are foreign cousins!

Oh, I have had enough experience in England and with people from the U.K. to know that there are many differences between them and Americans. But, again, I'm not really interested on a subjective desire to be armed.


Whether you have very little need to exercise one of your rights is irrelevant. I just never cared for government infringing on my rights. YMMV, of course.

This is all interesting but, I think, not really germane to what I was saying.

It's not really a matter of the ease of containing crime. Heck, I can think of at least a couple of methods of containing nearly all violent crime. But I'd never suggest implementing them.

Because of the posts you've made in this thread.

I've made no such assumption.

No offense, but this statement is simply an illustration that you might not have all the information on the aboriton issue in the U.K. And, if that's the case, you might not be correct about the issue at hand, either.

Hey, in the absence of any sort of actual data about this assertion I can only say, meh. But, in any event, I'm not really sure what you say here directly impacts anything I have said in this thread.

The Gurkhas are awesome.

Oh, I have had enough experience in England and with people from the U.K. to know that there are many differences between them and Americans. But, again, I'm not really interested on a subjective desire to be armed.



Well we'll just agree that you think I'm a liar and we'll have done with it shall we. Please don't bother replying as I have now put you on ignore as I find your posts quite insulting in the main.
Well we'll just agree that you think I'm a liar and we'll have done with it shall we.

No, we shall not agree to that at all. No where have I even implied that's what I think about you. If I did, I'd simply tell you that's what I thought.

Please don't bother replying as I have now put you on ignore as I find your posts quite insulting in the main.

Ah, well in lieu of actually reading my posts I suppose you could do this. I will say, however, that you've obviously not read the majority of my posts.


Its all about using the powers that "terrorism" provides to further strip us from our liberties...we essentially give them away for the sake of the perception of security... Blow up a few trains and buses and we will hand over thier knives and guns in exchange for anti terror brigades, hightened security, checkpoints, unlawful search and seizure, raids, camps, kidnapping, torture etc all under the guise of anti-terrorism security. Its not about security. Its about us being mindless, powerless and helpless. Because we think thats what is good for us. The more afraid of terror the people are...the more they can be molded and controlled.
Its all about using the powers that "terrorism" provides to further strip us from our liberties...we essentially give them away for the sake of the perception of security... Blow up a few trains and buses and we will hand over thier knives and guns in exchange for anti terror brigades, hightened security, checkpoints, unlawful search and seizure, raids, camps, kidnapping, torture etc all under the guise of anti-terrorism security. Its not about security. Its about us being mindless, powerless and helpless. Because we think thats what is good for us. The more afraid of terror the people are...the more they can be molded and controlled.

You can think it's that of course, it's clear that my explaining over and over again is pointless. The knife laws have been here for fifty years, the gun laws longer, it has nothing to do with terror at all in my country in which I am a serving police officer and obviously whatever I say about the law and how it's interpreted by police officers is worth nothing.
Its all about using the powers that "terrorism" provides to further strip us from our liberties...we essentially give them away for the sake of the perception of security... Blow up a few trains and buses and we will hand over thier knives and guns in exchange for anti terror brigades, hightened security, checkpoints, unlawful search and seizure, raids, camps, kidnapping, torture etc all under the guise of anti-terrorism security. Its not about security. Its about us being mindless, powerless and helpless. Because we think thats what is good for us. The more afraid of terror the people are...the more they can be molded and controlled.

This knife crime problem is nothing to do with terrorism. Neither is the fact that weapons are forbidden.

With a few snips though, I agree...

using the powers that "terrorism" provides to further strip us from our liberties...we essentially give them away for the sake of the perception of security... Blow up a few trains and buses and its hightened security, checkpoints, unlawful search and seizure, kidnapping, CCTV etc all under the guise of anti-terrorism security. Its not about security. Its about us being mindless, powerless and helpless. Because we think thats what is good for us. The more afraid of terror the people are...the more they can be molded and controlled

It is my belief that this government in particular thinks just that. It's even got me thinking civil liberties, and I never really thought much about it in the past. I think this hideous, controlling govt has worked hard to scare people into it, there was none of this in the 1990s, and we sure had reason to be afraid then.

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