Here is what is written on their website . I see the logic in this
Innovative laboratory X presents X1 – a unique simulator having no counterparts. The tool is mainly intended to enhance your punches when fighting and make them shuttering.
Every fighter knows that a knockout punch can be relatively weak but it has to be sudden and invisible for the opponent. Surprise effect often compensates for little impact strength. X1 simulator will make your fist so powerful that you will knockout your opponent easily even without any suddenness. Therefore, “crushing blow” is the right phrase to describe the result you are going to get if you regularly work out with X1.
Now, let us find out what important physical aspects influence the impact strength:
- proper technique;
- proper fighting balance when delivering the blow;
- speed and explosive work of your legs and arms;
- one of the key aspects is transferring impact power to the target.
The impact strength is mainly lost when the hand contacts the target. At this time the fighter’s hand is under enormous load. In order to crush your opponent, you have to punch a little deeper into the target and at the same time reduce the reverse inertia of the blow not to let your hand damp in the wrist, elbow, shoulder and shoulder blade. And this is the crucial moment when stabilizing muscles (SM) start working. They fix your hand turning it into a monolith when it touches the target. X1 will help you develop your SM and reach a new level of your punch quality and power.
The simulator has correct geometry. It is distinguished by its peculiar design which directs the entire load to your two impact bones. When doing exercises in just three positions, you can get your hand, elbow, shoulder and shoulder blade MS engaged in work. Strengthening of your hand muscles is an additional effect.
Grip the simulator handle holding it between your index an middle fingers so that it covers both impact bones.
Take the plank position like for doing push-ups on fists, place the simulator on the floor on the protruding impact part located in the middle. Try to keep your balance while resting on the simulator. Duration: 15 seconds in each position.
Position #1. Straight arm. Hand and shoulder SM are involved.
Position #2. Arm bent at the elbow at about 165 degrees. Hand, elbow and shoulder SM are working.
Position #3. Arm bent at 90 degrees, shoulder blades brought together. Hand, shoulder and shoulder blade SM are involved.
In order to develop your wrists and muscles, make circular motions on the floor resting on the simulator.
As your arm strength grows, do push-ups with the simulator resting on its protruding impact part.
- Use the simulator on an even and rigid surface.
- We advise to start training with one simulator. This way, you can distribute the load by transferring your body weight from your free hand to the one with the simulator.
- In order to make the exercise easier, rest your knees on the floor. When you feel that you can add some load, take the classical position for doing push-ups resting on your toes.
- Always do a warm up before you start working out. Special attention should be given to your hands, elbow and shoulder joints as well as your cervical and lumbar parts.
- Do a warm up with X1 before a fight by doing all the exercises 5 seconds each in each of the three positions. This will activate and engage your SM. Do not overexert yourself! If the load is applied for too long, it will result in SM fatigue and their contraction will become slower and weaker.