The secret of the punch close to the target of Bruce Lee?

The wrist and hand don't generate any significant amount of power for a punch, so immensely strong wrists won't dramatically increase the power of any punch (though they might allow you to use more power from the core of the body, safely).

As for the simulator, how much does it cost, and what are you expecting the value to be for yourself?

You are only as strong as your weakest link. So if your core is good but your wrist gives out then the core isn't able to do its job.
How do you know his hands themselves are stronger?

The majority of the force in a punch comes from your legs and core. Less from the arms, and 0 comes from your hands.

Your hands are simply what meets the target. It would be like saying when you drive, the power comes from your wheels. All your wheels do is transmit the power from the engine to the ground. The engine is what has the power. Getting stronger wheels won't make you go faster, but getting a stronger engine will.
Even if the car will have the most powerful engine in the world, it will not be able to go without wheels. I was looking at the slow-motion punches of boxers and noticed that the stronger punches have those fighters who have less vibration in the wrist . The instructions just say that, too. So I was interested
I know what you mean . But there is something to it. I noticed that knockouts have stronger hands . Now I'm talking about Boxing. Why, then, is Arthur Beterbiev standing on the rings?
If you think hand strength is what causes knockouts then you need to do some more research. You do realise boxers are wearing big gloves with loads of padding around them and have their hands taped up like crazy. look you want to try this machine out then go for it but frankly it seems like a waste of your cash to me
Yes, I know that the shot starts with a push, then the hips rotate and the weight is transferred, but if your wrist is weak, then the hand can't transfer this energy to the target?
It can, it's just you might hurt your wrist doing so. And unless you have naturally weak wrists, normal training should build them up with the rest of your muscles.
If you think hand strength is what causes knockouts then you need to do some more research. You do realise boxers are wearing big gloves with loads of padding around them and have their hands taped up like crazy. look you want to try this machine out then go for it but frankly it seems like a waste of your cash to me
Thank you for advice. I know I won't be as strong as the Hulk after this simulator. It's just that I've always known that wrist strength is the main weak link in transmitting power to a target. And my wrists always let me down. Although I also trained with weights I threw a fretboard I hit a tire with a sledgehammer but these exercises did not strengthen my wrist Yes it got better but not by much. So this question is very interesting to me
You are only as strong as your weakest link. So if your core is good but your wrist gives out then the core isn't able to do its job.
Yep, that's pretty much what I said in another post. The hands don't generate power, but they can cost you power.
You'd still deliver the punch with power, you'd just hurt your hand doing it.
It's a matter of whether you can transfer the force and/or momentum to the target. If you hit with a soft hand, much of the force will dissipate in deforming the hand (with or without injury). And if you injure yourself even slightly a few times, you'll likely use less power in the future.
Thank you for advice. I know I won't be as strong as the Hulk after this simulator. It's just that I've always known that wrist strength is the main weak link in transmitting power to a target. And my wrists always let me down. Although I also trained with weights I threw a fretboard I hit a tire with a sledgehammer but these exercises did not strengthen my wrist Yes it got better but not by much. So this question is very interesting to me
If you want to strengthen wrists and hands, look to exercises used by folks who need them. This gadget, while not expensive, isn't part of what most boxers, golfers, gymnasts, etc. use to strengthen their hands. For instance, Tiger woods used a newspaper (don't know if he still does). He'd lay it out flat, and crumple it one sheet at a time, with it laid flat. Give it a shot - it's a lot more work than it sounds.
Even if the car will have the most powerful engine in the world, it will not be able to go without wheels. I was looking at the slow-motion punches of boxers and noticed that the stronger punches have those fighters who have less vibration in the wrist . The instructions just say that, too. So I was interested

How do you see how much vibration is in their wrist when their wrist is taped up and covered by the glove?

You sound like a salesman of the company, trying to act like a prospective buyer to advertise here. You act like you're looking for information, but then you argue with everyone in defense of the product.
Grip the simulator handle holding it between your index an middle fingers so that it covers both impact bones.

The long bridge punch, or what Bruce Lee referred to as the "1 inch " punch, is delivered with the bottom 3 knuckles, not the top 2.
Thank you for advice. I know I won't be as strong as the Hulk after this simulator. It's just that I've always known that wrist strength is the main weak link in transmitting power to a target. And my wrists always let me down. Although I also trained with weights I threw a fretboard I hit a tire with a sledgehammer but these exercises did not strengthen my wrist Yes it got better but not by much. So this question is very interesting to me

But yeah. Knuckle push ups. Chances are if you are new at them you will get a serious wobble going.

Which is what you want to fix if you want an element to hitting hard.
The long bridge punch, or what Bruce Lee referred to as the "1 inch " punch, is delivered with the bottom 3 knuckles, not the top 2.
But this blow will not be possible without a strong wrist? Thank you for clarifying this point
How do you see how much vibration is in their wrist when their wrist is taped up and covered by the glove?

You sound like a salesman of the company, trying to act like a prospective buyer to advertise here. You act like you're looking for information, but then you argue with everyone in defense of the product.
I see their flex wrists from bump. I have nothing to do with this company. But when I saw these simulators, I was amazed. I also always argued with my coach, but not about that. There are many misconceptions in boxing. When I trained in the gym and prepared for the competition. A new guy came to our gym who had a naturally strong hand punch. I thought why this guy has such a strong blow, After all, he does not even know how to correctly beat his hand. So there are some things we don’t know about?
... Or is it a waste of money?
First one - your calves will not work so they will not develop strength and endurance. Like wearing heels will not make you better rope jumper.
Second one - this will learn you not to hit the pad. As I understand those exercises you goal is to hit the pad with this something not with your hand. Why?
Third one - it can be useful to develop total body stabilization (wrist including) and it will help to be a better boxer in the way all calisthenics exercises help.

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