The rant thread

Thank you to all for your replies.
It has shed much light on the subject.
hey Saru, thanks for the welcome, yes the "why was the person graded 1st-4th Dan" question is very important I believe. It could be a good starting point as to setting a standard.

Don Roley said:
...but I really don't see how you expect any of us to do anything about the way Hatsumi grades people. But if you want to repair something, you are going to have to go up to Hatsumi and tell him what he is doing wrong.

I can understand that. That is probably a very good suggestion. Don, you have a much better understanding of Japanese culture and etiquette. If I was to draft a short letter, would you be willing to help me phrase it in a manner that was both polite and in Japanese? I'm not sure but I think I read somewhere once that Hatsumi-sensei will not accept letters in English.

Kindest Regards
Rubber Tanto said:
I can understand that. That is probably a very good suggestion. Don, you have a much better understanding of Japanese culture and etiquette. If I was to draft a short letter, would you be willing to help me phrase it in a manner that was both polite and in Japanese? I'm not sure but I think I read somewhere once that Hatsumi-sensei will not accept letters in English.

Kindest Regards

The entire concept would not be polite in a Japanese environment in any language.
Rubber Tanto said:
Thank you to all for your replies.
It has shed much light on the subject.
hey Saru, thanks for the welcome, yes the "why was the person graded 1st-4th Dan" question is very important I believe. It could be a good starting point as to setting a standard.

I can understand that. That is probably a very good suggestion. Don, you have a much better understanding of Japanese culture and etiquette. If I was to draft a short letter, would you be willing to help me phrase it in a manner that was both polite and in Japanese? I'm not sure but I think I read somewhere once that Hatsumi-sensei will not accept letters in English.

Kindest Regards

Note the popcorn image in his original post.,........
Don Roley said:
Oh, and Rich- no one other than members of the Bujinkan look to Hatsumi for ranking.

Thanks Don. I was not trying to Gack the thread just asking a question as it ran across my mind.

Thanks again.
Don Roley said:
This thread is about things in the Bujinkan and I really do not want it sidetracked with problems you don't find in the Bujinkan like the polotics of judging tournaments.

But..... I found what you wrote to be amazing. I thought that the idea of just ignoring those that don't seem to want to do what is being shown was a Japanese thing. It sounds like Parker took more time to try to point out and correct them than the Japanese would. But they still went on with their own thing and finally moved on. Wow!

I really can't force people to do anything here. But if people read this, maybe they can start asking themselves if they are the ones doing their own thing instead of what the teacher is showing. I wonder if some of them even know that they are so different from the teacher. I know I have made big mistakes- but I try to look out for them as best I can. Maybe if folks just tried to be a little paranoid about not being so sure that what they are doing and constantly questioned themselves thing would be better.

But there would still be plenty of morons who would not be willing to fail in front of others and stick to their own thing. A good teacher does not make you do things inside your comfort zone. If you fail, you get a chance to figure out why you did so and work at it until you find the key that insures success. I expect to fall on my face a few times while learning. But there are a lot of folks that can't afford that loss of face. Not only do they not try what the teacher is showing, they sometimes walk around and try to teach others instead of working out themselves.

But that is a rant for another time.........

At least in my experience in the FMA's, one can learn. And they will try to teach you. If they tell you that "You are giving it back to them" then you are not listening and or trying what they have suggested or taught.

After that they most likely will not try to teach you that, as you obviously are not interested in learning that move/technqiue/point/concept.

Which leads people to believe they have more than they might.

Now this may not be for the whole PI culture, but for the two instructors I have had the pleasure of working with.
Rubber Tanto said:
Thanks Dale.
I hope I didn't offend.

I do see one good thing about your idea - instead of just anonymously complaining on the Internet, like untold numbers of trolls have, you wished to write specifically and personally to the man himself. OTOH, it's nobody's business to tell Mr. Hatsumi how to run his organization...

BTW, welcome to Martial Talk!
Seago sensei :asian:

Hi Nick,

Personally I have a real issue with legislating belt ranks even outside the inapprorpriateness of the idea. What's missing is the student's drive to demand the best training and perform to be at the best level they can be instead of being a rank collector.

The seduction to chose medocrity over excellence is strong indeed.

Welcome to MT :)
Carol Kaur said:
Seago sensei :asian:
Right back at ye, lass.

Personally I have a real issue with legislating belt ranks even outside the inapprorpriateness of the idea. What's missing is the student's drive to demand the best training and perform to be at the best level they can be instead of being a rank collector.
Have to agree with you there, and I think this is at the heart of the "rank doesn't really matter in the Bujinkan" thing that seems to so mystify non-Bujinkan practitioners. You seem to be an exception to the rule who "gets it".

The seduction to chose medocrity over excellence is strong indeed.
Hey, for us guys, seduction is always a powerful influence when directed our way (AKA "Earth boys are easy").

But, um, back to martial art stuff. . .

Rubber Tanto said:
Thanks Dale.
I hope I didn't offend.
Hey Nick, I've known you long enough at MAP and traded enough emails with you to know you mean well. So you certainly haven't offended me. And you haven't yet had your letter translated and sent to Hatsumi sensei, so no offense in that direction either.

As for everyone else here who has now sworn a blood-oath to exterminate you, your descendants, aye an' even yer ancestors untae the sixth generation . . . Och, weel, I cannae help ye there an' am afeered ye're buggered, lad.
Earth Boys are Easy :rofl: My office-mate asked why I was laughing.

"Ninjas made me laugh." She understands ;)
Carol Kaur said:
Earth Boys are Easy :rofl: My office-mate asked why I was laughing.

"Ninjas made me laugh." She understands ;)
The plural of ninja is ninja... :p
Technopunk said:
But are we a Murder of Ninja? A Gaggle of Ninja? A POD of ninja?

Personally I thought a Fair of Ninja had a certain ring to it. But a Slaughter or Stealth sounds good as well.
Rich Parsons said:
Personally I thought a Fair of Ninja had a certain ring to it. But a Slaughter or Stealth sounds good as well.
Except we don't do fairs (well, maybe the odd carnival). We ninja are all about death, dismemberment, and loud guitars (except when we're being stealthy). :ultracool
Kreth said:
Except we don't do fairs (well, maybe the odd carnival). We ninja are all about death, dismemberment, and loud guitars (except when we're being stealthy). :ultracool

Well is just had a ring to it, and the hidden stealth factor before the "death, dismemberment, and loud guitars" began. ;)

But as I am not a practitioner, I have no say in it. :D

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