The first series of Kajukenbo tapes (Panther Productions 1986) are not entirely complete as to the "Original Method".BallistikMike said:Mr. Bishop,
From the 1st pagelol
I finally obtained the original tape set of Gary Forbach from Panther Videos. Is there a written syllabus that goes through these tapes any where or would it be possible to get one that corresponds with the curriculum you outlined earlier to know what is missing if anything. I know the tapes only go to 1st BB.
They lack the "26 Advanced Alphabet" techniques, the "two man", and the "three man" defense techniques.
They also reflect GM Aleju Reyes's influence on Kajukenbo. All the techniques that have a "A" after them are additional techniques that Reyes added to his teachings. GM Reyes's stuck to Sijo Emperado's wishes to "create, add, but don't change the original techniques". So the "A" techniques you see on the Panther tapes are usually not taught outside of the Reyes family of black belts.
These are the requirements up to "student black". Additional requirements for higher ranks are usually decided by the individual instructor:
Kajukenbo Belt Requirements (Original Method)

[font=arial, helvetica, verdana]Yellow (optional rank): [/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, verdana]Palama Set 14,
Orange (Traditionally White/Purple):
grab arts 1-7, punch counters 1-5, club counters 1&2, knife counters 1&2, Palama set. 14,1,2,3
grab arts 1-15, punch counters 1-9, club counters 1-4, knife counters 1-4, Palama set. 14,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,
punch counters 1-12, club counters 1-7, knife counters 1-7, 2 man attacks 1&2, Palama set. 14,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
punch counters 1-21, club counter 1-8, knife counter 1-8, Palama set.14,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13, 2 man attacks 1-5, alphabets a,b,c,
club counters 1-11, knife counters 1-11, 2 man attacks 1-8, alphabets a,b,c,d,e,
Student Black:
club counters 1-15, knife counters 1-15, 3 man attack 1, alphabets a,b,c,d,e,f,g