3rd Black Belt
Hi all,
Thanks for the information Joe and John...Happy New Year to you and yours...
John, to conspire or "Conspiracy Theory" would be for one, to go to a publisher. Then the two would write a book, or to have some secret. I believe it takes several to conspire...
I guess I am just very inquisitive and ask questions. If someone does not want to tell me, they don't, is it wrong or is it curiosity?
They Conspired to evolve a new Martial Art.
Is that bad or good? Or would you say they got together to develop a way of fighting so they could beat up the other gangs? Was that unlawful?
Or would you say they got together to develop the art for the betterment of society?
I know the Catholic Church until very recently felt the Freemasons were bad because they had secret meetings, well so do the Catholic's...
Whose Ox is getting gored?
The word comes from Latin, 'together' and to 'breathe'.
Freemasonry has been on the other side of the Catholics ever since the Church took away the money they had and killed anyone who was not Catholic.
The Freemasons were behind numerous rebellions against the Catholic Church during the time of the Spanish conquests. Cuba, Phillipines, Mexico...
1492 is a date the Jewish will never forget and it is not because Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
I think the reason conspiracy gets a bad rap is because they use it so much to bring down the bad guys.
Or maybe the people who are in charge are really not all that honest themselves and figure everyone who gets together is conspiring???
Just some stuff that was wandering around up in the frontal lobe when I read the slight you made.
Happy Holiday...
Regards, Gary
Thanks for the information Joe and John...Happy New Year to you and yours...
John, to conspire or "Conspiracy Theory" would be for one, to go to a publisher. Then the two would write a book, or to have some secret. I believe it takes several to conspire...
I guess I am just very inquisitive and ask questions. If someone does not want to tell me, they don't, is it wrong or is it curiosity?
They Conspired to evolve a new Martial Art.
Is that bad or good? Or would you say they got together to develop a way of fighting so they could beat up the other gangs? Was that unlawful?
Or would you say they got together to develop the art for the betterment of society?
I know the Catholic Church until very recently felt the Freemasons were bad because they had secret meetings, well so do the Catholic's...
Whose Ox is getting gored?
The word comes from Latin, 'together' and to 'breathe'.
Freemasonry has been on the other side of the Catholics ever since the Church took away the money they had and killed anyone who was not Catholic.
The Freemasons were behind numerous rebellions against the Catholic Church during the time of the Spanish conquests. Cuba, Phillipines, Mexico...
1492 is a date the Jewish will never forget and it is not because Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
I think the reason conspiracy gets a bad rap is because they use it so much to bring down the bad guys.
Or maybe the people who are in charge are really not all that honest themselves and figure everyone who gets together is conspiring???
Just some stuff that was wandering around up in the frontal lobe when I read the slight you made.
Happy Holiday...
Regards, Gary