We have what we call Warrior Wed.
Warrior Wed is open to any and all to come in and train.
Each class is held as normal and anyone within that particular classes age group and rank levels are welcome to train. A wavier must be filled out by either the proper aged person, parent, or guardian.
We end Warrior Wed with an age 18 & up open sparring hour. Open to anyone from any of the area gyms, schools, or groups. They also must sign a waiver and we discuss prior to every session that this is about respect and learning. We only go as hard as the person you are working with wants to go. If you are better than the other then it is your responsibility to keep the action at the other persons level. If you cannot or will not do this you will be thrown out. If you are here to prove something or to show how tough you are you will be thrown out. A sign of respect will be shown prior to and at the end of every round. If you cannot or will not do this then you will not be allowed on the mats.
This is open sparring but it is about; No Ego, Respect, and Discipline.
We have people from karate, tae kwon do, muay thai, bjj, judo, wrestling, boxing, mma, hapkido, and other schools come in. Have had to stop the action only a few times to address issues and have never as yet had to ask anyone to leave. Not once and we've been doing Warrior Wed every Wed. for the past 5 years.
It is all about respect; displaying it, requiring it, and assuring it is maintained.
We have had many remove themselves from the floor but we have never had to ask someone to leave.
Overall it is a great experience for my students and from the comments and the many who continue to come in on Warrior Wed. it is a great experience for everyone who attends.