Bob Hubbard;1089134See Liberia "Founded as a colony in 1822 by freed slaves from the [URL="" said:
United States[/URL],".
Oh, Lincoln was all in favor of shipping every last black person out of the country.
See Sierra Leone, as well. he-he....Ya need to read a little more of Mr. Lincoln-he was in favor of that at first, but, since it wasn't viable, was more disposed towards .....
encouraging them to leave. If that didn't work, well, the country was still going to need people to pick apples and cut grapes. Remember that. "pick apples and cut grapes.
First part - true. Last US Slave was legally freed in 1865. 143 years ago.
Second part - According to Dr. Cosby and Mr. Fuller, they oppress themselves. Who am I to argue with Coz?
I'll get to this elsewhere, Bob.
Hey, you got peanut butter on my chocolate!:lfao:
Liberia - civil war, corruption, total mess
Somalia - poverty, ruled by warlords, piracy.
Not sure that Somalia qualifies as a "give them X' sort of thing....
Tez said:
Yoshiyahu, show me the part in the Talmud where it says black people are evil.
Nowhere, really. Modern interpretation has led to the curse of Ham being enslavement-Ham's evil was that he looked at Noah's butt when he was drunk, and laughed about it.

Black people were thought of as
Hamitic, all of which has about as much Biblical validity as the Rapture. Ditto the mark of Cain being blackness.....
Tez said:
Are you posing as Jewish or are you frum?
I think that'd be
Jews for Jesus, which makes him
meshuggeneh frummer:lol:
Yoshiyahu said:
Now asked your self who is the real Racist
Back on topic.
The member of the Nation of Islam that most older people are familiar with is Malcom Little, who would become Malcom X upon his conversion in 1947. Members of the NOI sometimes take the "X" in place of what they-often correctly-call their "slave name," and take that in place of the unkown name that is lost to them. Lately, though, they just take quasi-Arabic names....
Anyway, it was Malcom X who was responsible for most of the growth of the NOI, starting 100 temples around the country between 1952 and 1964. It was also he who publicly made some of the more infamous and hateful racist statements, and gave a public face of the NOI to white America. Interestingly, his disillusionment with Elijah Muhammed, and his
study and embrace of conventional Islam, led to his leaving the NOI and renouncing its racist teachings before he died. Malcom was good friends with Wallace Dean Mohammad, the son of Elijah Mohammad. In 1975, when ELijah Mohammad died, W.D. Mohammad inherited the leadership of the NOI. He, too, rejected its racist doctrine, its deification of Fard, and embraced conventional Islam-he changed the name of the NOI to the World Community of al Islam. He rejected
and explained that the idea that "whites were devils" had been necessary to wake people up from social brainwashing. (You see, it wasn't too long ago that a lot of black people simply believed that white people
were better than they were, since everything they saw and felt told them that-but I'll get to this elsewhere,
Bob :lol) When these changes took place, the man who everyone is familiar with took over the NOI name, and kept all of its original doctrine. I'm speaking, of course, of the current leader of the NOI, Louis Farrakhan....
...interstingly, though, the World Community of al-Islami in the Westhas and continues to accept white memebers. It's embrace of mainstream Islam, mainstream Islam's acknowledgement of it, are complete.