I’m a physiologist and was a medical doctor.
You have to think about the diet of our ancestors roaming the plains of Africa. They ate the occasional berry, starchy root maybe a grub or two for most of the time…very low calories and poor nutrition. They may’ve caught a bison (after days of stalking with jogging running and walking), and
gorge on protein for several days, feasting like Roman senators at an orgy and then, it’s back to relative famine for weeks perhaps months on-end. Muggles think our body’s digestive systems and requirements are like a finely tuned F1 racing car engine and that require high quality ‘fuel’. This is false. We’re more like the furnace boilers you find in old New York apartment blocks (I’m getting this from ‘Rhoda’ and ‘Friends’

) that create heat and hot water by burning any old junk thrown into it…old chair legs, table tops etc. We’ve evolved to process anything we can get our hands on. Yes, ‘refined petrol’ is easier to deal with, but we
can process any old ****!
For an average American, occasionally fasting (<600kcal/24hrs) for 24-48 hrs (perhaps longer) will do no harm (unless they are on oral or injected hypoglycaemic agents) and they are well hydrated throughout the fasting period. If it feels bad, then eat. If you feel hungry, that’s normal.