Xue Sheng said:She has treated a couple of cases succesfully but it really depends on the severity.
In Chinese medicine, from the Chinese OMD perspective, they would not work with the Western Diagnosis. They would talk to you about your symptoms and basically do a TCM examination and give it a Chinese name and depending on severity and cause the name would be different and in Chinese.
Also depending on severity and the cause, per a Chinese Diagnosis, it may or may not be treatable. Sever with specific causes (and I do not know what those causes would be) is not treatable. Sever with other causes might be treatable all the way too mild is very treatable.
It really depends on your particular situation.
I think that is the most informed response that I have ever received on the subject. :asian:
I appreciate your insight and her insight very much. I may PM you in the near future.