Magnets and joint pain


Brown Belt
For the "older" folks who have the industrial size Tylenol in their gym bag and Tiger balm by the beside... have you tried small, high power magnets to alleviate body aches/ pains? If so, what results have you had?

I was not a real believer (I tried the magnetic shoe inserts with zero luck) but I thought if accupressure, accupunture and self-hypnosis work why not give it a try.

My instructor turned me on to Magnabloc brand magnets; first for an old nagging ankle injury (4 days of wearing a single magnet in the "right spot" and it hasn't bothered me since). Yesterday at Pocono Raceway I was walking around on macadam all day and sitting with no back support and I had pain ripping down from my lower back to my knees to the balls of my feet; 15 minutes after taping magnets to the appropriate spots I felt NO PAIN! and slept better then I have in years.

Anyone have luck with this kind of therapy? If so, where do you use them? I've been told that the 26 energy pathways of the body are key to alleviating pain. So far the ankles (inside in the hollow just behind and below the ankle bone) work for the back and about 1/2 way down my Left shoulder blade seems to work for ankle pain.
I'd be interested in seeing the theory behind how it is supposed to work. Could you elaborate on that more?

A co-worker swears by his magnetic bracelet for carpal tunnel. He says if he doesn't wear it for a day or so that his wrist gets really bad. His bracelet has two magnets that are somewhat close together at the underside of his wrist.

He bought a new magnetic bracelet that had magnets all around the wrist, but it didn't work for him. He went back to the two magnet bracelet.

I'm kind of skeptical, but it works for him and that is what really matters.
Where do you get them and what is the long term effect of them, does it in anyway hurt the human body or does it support and helps the parts of the body developed into a vital portion again?
fireman00 said:
For the "older" folks who have the industrial size Tylenol in their gym bag and Tiger balm by the beside

Don't forget the Tigers Balm IN the gym bag along with the flask of Jack Daniels.LOL

I heard about the healing power of magnets..There's a guy who advertizes his special magnets in Black Belt on a regular basis..I need more proof...
I'm using Magnabloc magnets ( ).

I can attest that the type of magnets that you put in your shoes, the inserts, are not effective.

From what I've read (and I'm still a noobie at this) to shorten healing time and alleviate pain:
  • Magnets might block pain by stimulating nerve endings. Some advocates ascribe the therapyÂ’s purported benefits to its affects on the nervous system, which depends on electrical charges to deliver its signals.
  • Magnets may create charged particles in the blood, producing heat and dilating blood vessels.
  • Magnets may act on iron in the blood to increase the bloodÂ’s ability to carry oxygen.
  • Magnets may boost levels of oxygen and nutrients and ultimately relieve pain.
The mayo clinic states they feel SOME people do experience relief when using magnets, but there has not be a truely scientific study done with a baseline created, a set number of folks experiencing the same type of pain using placebos and another set number of folks using magnets, the timeline for testing is extremely varied. Its a shame that the medical community doesn't do more testing but as its a holistic approach to healing and bypasses the pharmacutical industry's approach to pain relief I'm not really surprised.
I had to ask my wife about this, she is a TMC OMD from Beijing.

First she feels most people that use magnets here use magnets that are to strong. Depending on the condition that is being treated the strength of the magnet varies. Also magnets are not always successful depending on severity. Very sever problems are generally not helped by magnets.

The TCM theory behind them. The body has magnetic fields or currents that get messed up from time to time. The magnets are used to straighten them out.
The idea that the iron in blood would be attracted to magnets is not true. It's a common misconception. The iron in hemoglobin is in a chemical state that is not ferromagnetic. Actually blood is diamagnetic, so it would actually be repulsed a little bit by a magnet. I'm thinking it's a placebo effect that is working here, since the jist seems to be pain relief. So, if you believe in it, it might help you heal faster since the pain is relieved, and that can go a long way to faster wellness.

If you can't tell, my wife does a lot of work with blood.


oops, edit for spelling
JeffJ said:
... Actually blood is diamagnetic, so it would actually be repulsed a little bit by a magnet.

Would that mean that blood is influenced by magnetic field even if its "repulsed"?

As far as where can you get them.... is where I bought mine.

I haven't used the chart that is outlined on the magnabloc page; a couple of us at the dojang are using the energy sphere points - 26 in all and tape the magnets to the point which corresponds to the body part that hurts so I'm more apt to believe that the energy flow of the body is impacted.

I'm thinking that our minds (especially our sub-concious) has actually devolved rather then evolved. Looking at animals in the wild or even house pets ... they are vastly more aware of the subtle changes in electromagnetic fields, they know when disaster is about to strike while we go through live oblivious to our surroundings until we see undeniable proof that something bad is about to happen.

Is it possible that as we've gotten fat, dumb and happy over the last 2000 or more years that we've come to no longer rely on our sub-concious mind for survival; we have police, fire and rescue to help protect us, locked doors that keep out dangers - no need to be on constant alert against mauraders, animals looking for din din, etc 7x24. Instead we're more concerned about knowing that Actual Number of Units minus Standard Number of Units times the Standard Price per Unit = good/ bad direct labor/ materials variance ; we've gotten smarter but we don't stop, pay attention and listen to our surroundings or our bodies.

Just my own meandering musings.
fireman00 said:
Would that mean that blood is influenced by magnetic field even if its "repulsed"?

Of course it does. However, most of what I've just been reading looking into this claims that it attracts the blood to the magnetized area to promote healing. And there seems to be no way that it increases the amount of O2 in the blood.

If it does something with the nervous system, I think that would be measurable.
