The Last Person.....

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Not bad, could've been better. Got a few sign-ups, which is always good. Also have some really good events coming up that should draw people. What else, we will be in 9 schools come fall, that's good. Things are moving in a positive direction.

I'll give you a day or two to get your school back open and running, then I'll ask how it is doing ... LOL

Sounds like a plan. What school are you going to be teaaching in, public, private, charter?
14 I know we just have the night off because of the long week, but we will be back at it tomorrow.
It's just a nominal fee. I think we're getting something like $5.50 per kid, per session, so nothing to write home about. It's mainly for exposure.

Yea but remember to turn them into fulltime students and go after there parents as well.
I noticed so much more stuff here than it was before I lift. How did you like the video from Brian?
He did a great job. As for me, I didn't fair so well. I felt I didn't play to the camera enough, but it was my first time, so I'll get better.

14 I beleive you did a great job and the playing to the camera will come with more time. I am hoping to have you out next February for a seminar, still tryig to work out everything so it will be paid for and no out of money cost.
You see the Ultimate Post Whore Extreme is back and the LPT is rocking!
He did a great job. As for me, I didn't fair so well. I felt I didn't play to the camera enough, but it was my first time, so I'll get better.

You were great! I enjoyed your seminar presentations very much!
I will say though that teaching to the camera is an art form all itself.
Teaching is occasionally frustrating, sometimes annoying - but always fun!

What? You can watch TV and post at the same time?

Still trying to recover from the week of competition, sorry my eyes hurt. OK everything hurts but it is my story and I am sticking to it.
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