The Last Person.....

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but it is stolen by the dark lordette. Everyone says darklordetteS whos is the other S in darklordettes? I have been agonizing it over all day. Better be happy you cause that pain...made me miss a step on three flights of staris and BAM! There I was tumbling down three flights of stairs in my skirt and looking very bad infront of people i look up to. AND I got lots of homework. only highlight was mun and getting one of the highest scores on a math quiz.

Congrats on the math quiz and sorry about you falling down those stairs.
A bit of both.

We have tons of christmas stuff in.

Sterre, how do you pronounce your name?
pretty good actually. I still cant eat like, food that isnt soft though.

A lot of burritos and pasta lately.
...and it's Lisa's fault that it is raining AGAIN in Philly. ;) Who said that they wanted some rain in their area? 'cause you can have some of ours...

Thinking about turning 18, I wonder if Lisa can even remember that far back?

To be fair, Lisa is only a couple of years older than me.

Well yes but "She-whose-fault-it-is" is a seeker of light..Vampires don't like light...

Lisa is wayyyyyy to old to be corupted anymore.

Bad move, man

Ohhh are gonna get it when she reads that one..Ouch...

She'd think something was wrong with me if I didn't make posts like that!

Besides, Like I said before, I'm not too far behind her.

Amazing how loved I am, you all just can't stop talking about me, even when I am not around :D
Amazing how loved I am, you all just can't stop talking about me, even when I am not around :D

It's always nice to be appreciated... if you consider some of those comments appreciation!
Okay this Dark Lord is done for the day! I have amazingly finished all work and all responsibilities are accounted for. (I definately conquered everything as any Dark Lord or Lordette would do) Now, I have a few minutes to post and then some R & R with the wife! Who got some serious trianing in today?
Oh the typical day run your kids to school and then to work and then dinner and then to soccer and then bath and get your kids to bed and then relaxation. I am going to watch survivor and then train tonight for an hour or two. (that's to many and then's for me)
My dog is going freaking nuts and I can't figure out why.
I had a pretty good class tonight, place is so small though.
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