The Last Person.....

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My last full work day before vacation starts...
Well I am off to the races. First up is two soccer games then a
CPR Heart Saver class then a Mother's day dinner and so on.

See you all later!
What's up, Terry? I've got a little time before I need to head into the school. Finishing up some laundry.

I am at the school, all ready worked out just waiting on classes to start. I have been doing laundry and cooking and house cleaning snce the better half broke her arm. Man I need to be a bachlor again, just kidding.
I am at the school, all ready worked out just waiting on classes to start. I have been doing laundry and cooking and house cleaning snce the better half broke her arm. Man I need to be a bachlor again, just kidding.

Yeah, skip the bachelorhood thing ... LOL ... it's not bad, but can be lonely at times. It's good for you to have to do all that stuff at times, helps to appreciate all that the other half does on a daily basis (not that you don't already, but reinforces it)
Yeah, skip the bachelorhood thing ... LOL ... it's not bad, but can be lonely at times. It's good for you to have to do all that stuff at times, helps to appreciate all that the other half does on a daily basis (not that you don't already, but reinforces it)

I agree, so what are you doing all day.
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