The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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We playing for money??????

If I had any. Right now I spent the last of my savings on a new $250 window for the house after a kid broke the old one. I need to pick up some new business soon.
If I had any. Right now I spent the last of my savings on a new $250 window for the house after a kid broke the old one. I need to pick up some new business soon.
That sucks, homeowners Ins won't cover it??
I'm glad to see that though the post count has increased, the intellectual level of conversation has not. Makes me feel right at home. :)
Well all I can say is business sucks, since I have come back from my sickness the school is still going in the wrong direction. They say the economy is getting better but cannot tell from me. Also the area has lost seven MA schools in the last three months not enough business. The onlything that keeps us going is this aftercare program and summercamp otherwise we would be close as well.
We are waiting to unleash our intellect if the right opportunity comes along................but, until then (1915)
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