The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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The Vette is clean and shiny. :)
The rest of the afternoon is playing here, maybe a little D3, and forms practice. :)
In the middle of Raleigh North Carolina Visiting my son and his family.......
Well, this weekend is turning out to SUCK!! My mom got sick at work yesterday, and now we can't celebrate my birthday. So I've been crying off & on for the past couple of hours.

Maybe I should have just stayed in bed today..........
20 degrees when we left home Friday, 70 Degrees today at sons house. :) oh yeah!
Well, this weekend is turning out to SUCK!! My mom got sick at work yesterday, and now we can't celebrate my birthday. So I've been crying off & on for the past couple of hours.

Maybe I should have just stayed in bed today..........

You know, I'm not trying to take anything away from your day or disrespect your feelings...but it seems to me without your mom - you wouldn't be having a birthday...Why don't you see what you can do to make her feel better...Just because a few days later isn't your birthday - doesn't mean you can't celebrate then..Happy Birthday :)
Done with two weeks of training. I now know more about mortgages and work-out options than I ever thought there was to learn. Officers coming in next week to paw the ground. Underwriting next. Only three days of side-by-side before we start taking loans.

Had lunch with our KJN and his senior student today. Fastinating stories, from a man who was there before the unification.
Done with two weeks of training. I now know more about mortgages and work-out options than I ever thought there was to learn. Officers coming in next week to paw the ground. Underwriting next. Only three days of side-by-side before we start taking loans.


I once went through PC/Network Security training and I learned more about hacking, malware and viruses than I ever thought there was to learn… I also came to the conclusion that the only real way to 100% protect your PC was to turn it off, unplug it and lock it in a closet

In an odd mood, finally posting on here again, and each post seems to be more blunt and curt than the last, dealing with less and less of the bs people post. Good thing I'm steering clear of the study.
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