The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Reflecting on why I left the boonies and now live in a small town. I miss being able to pee in my backyard, not hear anything but the whippoorwills and peepers at night, and being able to see all the stars at night.. . Although 20 miles to a tiny grocery store, and 40 miles to a decent one was a drawback.
Worked on a tree farm in the mountains..... and you did not really want to go outside and look at the stars or do any of the other stuff because the bear would not appreciate your presence :D
We have coyotes and black bear. Neither of which concern me. We also have a rising population of big cats, which thankfully don't make their presence known around people.. . I've seen tracks, markings and scat deep in the woods, but nothing close to the farm.
Had a Mountain lion there too....

Bear den just up the hill (big old male black bear) and a mountain lion lived up on the ridge


Yǐjīng zúgòu
yī huĭr jiàn
We have deer and antelope, coyote, red and gray fox, bobcats, rabbits, prairie dogs, partridges, skunks and road runners. And that's just what I've seen on our property.

I wrote bobcats, but I've never been sure what, if any, difference there is between a bobcat and a lynx... anybody?
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