The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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The versatility of Smiley Emoticons are rarely given an opportunity to shine.. . Here are some of my MT related favs.

:s547: :s544: :sp77: :sp94:
Hey, where are these dark side cookies I keep hearing about? I brought a jug of milk colder than your exgirlfriend`s heart.
Then pour a glass and we will drink, because, "good cookies, and cold milk", are a combo hard to beat............
Sorry, was busy testing out the rum tap in the bar. Works good, but we're all out of rum again. Scotch too. Whiskey as well. Also, the rooms kinda blurry and spinny and I think I was propositioned by the plant in the corner. At least I think it was a plant. It might have been a leprechaun. Or a coat rack. I'm not sure.

Wow another Last person thread, what happen to the other one retired?
Well the first and second one had all the Dark Lords in it everyday, those being me, Brian, Drac and season, carol and a few more. I personally loved the LPT it was a place every morning to catch up with everyone here. Maybe it will be again.
and another word, I DOUBLE DARE.
I only need a few more posts to top 3K, so you know I'm serious.
Wow another Last person thread, what happen to the other one retired?

crossed 10,000 posts, and went dead for a bit. Figured a fresh start might kick things back up again.

See how that works? Overcome by a mere "Lol'. Fear me.:jediduel:
It is good to hear from you Terry. Lets make it a point to meet here every morning to touch base.
Yes, dark ladies are good.............. dare ya.. :)
Well the first and second one had all the Dark Lords in it everyday, those being me, Brian, Drac and season, carol and a few more. I personally loved the LPT it was a place every morning to catch up with everyone here. Maybe it will be again.

Could also be the passing of the torch

M.A.D.Martial Arts Dinosaur

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