The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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I'm headed to my wife's work Christmas party tonight, also. Not my idea of a good time, but my wife enjoys it.
I figure I could do a lot of things that are worse than a work Christmas party. It's the least I can do for her.

Tomorrow is a belt test for my students & BB's from our sister school are coming in from out of town. It's not my wife's favorite thing (althought she loves it when they come into town).

Compromises come with the wedding ring.
Was and still at the school for training classes has begun. Learning the Chin-Ji set of forms again. How is everything with you.
Good morning all!

I have a belt test for my students today. The master from my sister school is coming & bringing some of his BB's to help out. I'm so glad because I'll finally have folks that demonstrate techniques that I haven't been able to during my injury.
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