The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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Very smart and really sad too. Some great discussions are being lost for really no good reason. It's a shame for newer members who have that newbie passion who want to really know and learn. The qualified are on here, this site allows for decent discussions, ......

I dunno!

Me and others are really trying to twist arms and "stir the pot" as they say. It all just seems futile! But, I'm me and I'll keep at it! ;)
In theory, the new software will allow additional ways to draw folks in and tie into Facebook. If folks who use FB pop out a few links here n there, it might draw folks in here.

That is, if I survive the upgrade, lol!
Just whatever you do, don't imagine Terry in shorty shorts and a half shirt leaning up against a lamp post. I said don't. :D
I'm in pain all the time, so sleep is, elusive. When it won't come, rather than toss n turn in bed, I'll sit in front of the comp and web surf. I'm usually too tired or brain dead to work, but I'll surf political blogs, news wires, consumer forums, whatever fancies me. You can tell when that is, I tend to go on topic start binges.

Though the political fronts been rather boring as of late...either that, or I got more jaded and tune most of it out. Been reading more n more of The Consumerist as of late. That, and playing Unreal Tournament 2004. Instagib and 32 bots makes for a crazy match up. LOL!
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