The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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How is life treating me? All considered, I'd rather be in The Bahamaa, soaking in the sun, drinking a sugar free mocktail, with my wife, but hey, reality is what it is, just about time to get to work.
Mornin' all. Just got back from Vegas from the annual Kaju tourney. Aside from being sick as a dog all 4 days and not being able to fight, now my son is sick and cranky. Glad I have the whole week off for this one. haha
some say thoughts create reality, but i keep picturing myself on a beach in The Bahamas and yet here I am, still in Delaware...
Right now it is just at home and with a study group. I really miss Sensei Frank (Stickarts) and the family at CMA. They are the people that keep me going. I am working on my own health right now. Still battling some heart issues, but getting much better. Ran 4 miles last night and did not feel a thing. :)

How are things with you?
I gained all the wieght back that I lost over the last six months, I was unable to work out for month and man did it come back. I am back at training and starting to loose again so we will see. My goal is to drop 100 by next summer lets see if that will happen. I have been to a Nutrionist and got a good eating habit going with me dropping a few calories weekly by my intake, if all works out I will be back on track ina few months.

Sorry to hear you are not going to the school, maybe you can get back there soon.
I gained all the wieght back that I lost over the last six months, I was unable to work out for month and man did it come back. I am back at training and starting to loose again so we will see. My goal is to drop 100 by next summer lets see if that will happen. I have been to a Nutrionist and got a good eating habit going with me dropping a few calories weekly by my intake, if all works out I will be back on track ina few months.

Sorry to hear you are not going to the school, maybe you can get back there soon.

Glad to hear you are getting your health in order. It took a scare for me. Keep on kick'n and just rember to smile!
Smiling is always good. I read somewhere that there is no description of anyone smiling in the Bible. But there are descriptions of people laughing, and its hard not to smile when you laugh. And there is a lot of teaching regarding being joyful, and people that are filled with joy often smile and seldom frown. I don't smile a lot, but more than I used too.

Watched most of Rocky Balboa last night, it was surprisingly good. Time to eat breakfast, chow.
Another day another dollar, before the tiny state of Delaware. Delaware has something of an inferiority complex, the second smallest state, very thankful for Rhode Island, the largest city is Wilmington, less than 100,000, no pro sports teams, the people here tend to root for nearby Philadelphia or DC or Baltimore, no Division 1 College teams, they are shocked when a football player transfers from Ohio State to University of Delaware, really nothing notable except that it was the first state to ratify the Constitution, and perhaps Vice President Biden who seems to say a lot of gaffes. I like it here, although I long to return to the West Coast, no family here, I'm homesick, it may happen in a few months.

It's not a bad place to live really, even if it's a relatively unimportant state. But I grew up in California, if I wanted to live in an important state I would have stayed there, and San Francisco and really the entire Bay Area has a huge martial arts community, you can learn pretty much anything you want to learn. I need to walk the dogs, chow.
Hey Joab how is it going? Yea Taxes suck and you have more than I do living in Texas. Keep working and striving for the stars.
Actually taxes are low in Delaware, no sales tax, although income tax went up for those in my familys tax bracket. Where do you live in Texas? My wife was thinking of transferring to Mt. Pleasant Texas, it sounded pleasant enough, do you live near there? Take care.
It's 6:33 am in Delaware, today is my friday, tomorrow is my Sunday because I work on Saturday. I'm hoping to try to help out a fellow worker who is having a tough time of it of late, I've been praying for him, never an easy thing to help him out, he is angry at the world right now, but prayer is always good. The martial arts community in my area is few and far between but I can't afford to go to a school right now anyway and really don't have the time. Hope all is going well for all of you.
joab it is always good to help those that coulduse it. Try to enjoy your weekend.
This is turning into a conversation between Terryl and me. At any rate, my fellow worker is doing a lot better. He had a rather ugly break up with his girlfriend, she cheated on him, he text messaged threatening communications and that got him arrested and tossed in Prison for ten days. He had previously smashed everyone of her car's windows, so things were escalating.

And I do mean prison, the most maximum in Delaware. They actually put some people in prison when they await trial in Delaware depending upon the severity of the charge, I don't know of any other state that does that. His grandfather finally bailed him out, but he's not out of the woods yet, he still has a trial coming up. He broke the restraining order against him, and they take life threatening text messages very seriously in Delaware. But he's back to his old self, not nearly as angry nor dark, I'm trying to encourage him to live a more peaceful, conflict free life, gently, subtly, and praying for the best.
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