The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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I finally got back out to the woo-ids and hiked today for the first time in a few weeks. I lost some interest when the temperature hit an average high of 90, but once my friend dragged me out I found that it wasn't so bad in the shade. Whoo! The Flea is back!
Afternoon all!!!! Just got done inspecting our rental property. Man, people are slobs when it is not their property.

If anyone in Kansas is looking to rent or for a rental, LMK. The Wife and I are ready to move on.
Well Yolanda won gold in Olympic and so far we have taken 9 medals out of 12 so not bad, more fighting today and Friday and Saturday. Keep the place clean and I will be back.
Morning everyone, Hope alls 4th of July was a good safe one. Went and watched fireworks show, the kids loved it, it was fun. Not as much fun as blowing them off yourself, but still fun.
I'am back home and glad of it. The event was fantastic and the team did well once again. Yolanda for a older woman did excellent with a Gold and two bronze. I am still proud of her competing at her age one day age will get her two.
Thanks Arni, how is everything. I am still tired and need alot of sleep. Last class is now and then home. Glad to be back after the long week.
Tonight I was tired and tempted to eat out, but can't really afford it right now. So I made the noble sacrifice and dipped into my fridge for leftovers. MAN that giant slab of chocolate cake was good.

Bill Cosby rerun, anybody?
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