The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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And that normally be da truth as well.
i know a shiny new Astin Martin V12 Vanquish would make me happy

Now, now ... I pay a high cost of living for the right to rub in the fact that our weather is as good or better than most.
Yeah, well it ain't me, but I know someone who drives one of those ...
i saw one here in Louisville (i know) and about crapped my pants. dude was an *** though, i asked him how much one of those things were worth and he said "if you have to ask you cant afford it"

i wanted to be like "bet if i smash your head through the window it wont be worth so much"

i hate arrogant people

Yeah, nothing like being cocky, especially when it comes to money. It's one thing if the person earned it, yet another if it was handed to them ... I hate it as well.
Yeah, nothing like being cocky, especially when it comes to money. It's one thing if the person earned it, yet another if it was handed to them ... I hate it as well.
it just aint called for. we had a guy walk into the dojo couple months back braggin about how he had been in a bunch of bar fights and could hold his own again my Kempo instructor (2nd degree kempo, Pedro Sauer blue belt) and my BJJ instructor (black belt, Pedro Sauer purple belt). he got worked over and hasnt been back

similar story, my family are big boaters. we have a house boat out on the ohio river and will spend weekends on it it in various places. anyway this one time at one of the outings this guy that is notorius for getting wasted and starting fights at bars overheard me talking to one of my friends about Kempo. well he starts running off at the mouth about all the fights he has been in and everything and then proceeds to say he could beat and then starts to bash my school and instructor. He bets me $100 that he can knock me out in in less than 10 seconds. I was pissed at the jab at my instructor and was took him up on it (i know i should have and that it was wrong and very ba situation, but i too had a little bit to drink). he throws a left hook, i counter with a comb the hair block and a BJJ hip throw on to asphalt...

long story short cokiness and bigheaded people have no place anywhere

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