The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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No one at all? Just me?
KG hello and all of that, so the knee is bad once again sorry to hear that.
yes it is. This time im stumped as to what i did. I got off work saturday afternoon and it was twinging a little bit but i figured that was due to the fact that i been walking around on it all morning (i working for a powerwashing company on the weekends). so i got ready and went to the gym and got on a stationary. about 2-3 minutes in it started to hurt real bad, next thing i know im limping away. well i iced it down when i got home and wrote it off as I always have pains in my knee here and there. well here I am on tuesday and still in pain, have to walk with a limp and cant drive my car (manual). its so agrivating.

yes sir I have. I have one on friday. which if all goes like it did last time, I will get an MRI this weekend and know the results next week


Well you are heading in the right direction, wishing you the best of luck.
Well you are heading in the right direction, wishing you the best of luck.
thanks again. Im trying to take care of it. it really depressing though, next saturday was supposed to be my first day in the instructors program and tonight was supposed to be the first night i got to help out with a class. I now have to call my instructor and tell him the bad news, i hate letting people down. and to top it of my best friend is getting married the 24th and I can barely walk. and my birthday is on the 23rd, who the hell wants to be limping on their birthday...sorry

thanks again. Im trying to take care of it. it really depressing though, next saturday was supposed to be my first day in the instructors program and tonight was supposed to be the first night i got to help out with a class. I now have to call my instructor and tell him the bad news, i hate letting people down. and to top it of my best friend is getting married the 24th and I can barely walk. and my birthday is on the 23rd, who the hell wants to be limping on their birthday...sorry


I can feel your pain though the posting, try and stay positive and look for the future. Remember your journey is always gpoing to be filled with minor and major set backs it is how we handle those setback that seperate the great ones.:asian:
I can feel your pain though the posting, try and stay positive and look for the future. Remember your journey is always gpoing to be filled with minor and major set backs it is how we handle those setback that seperate the great ones.:asian:
thanks for the words of comfort terry it means a lot.

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