The K is on the Way

As far as TKD in the Olympics many would argue that it is the best thing that happened. The sport is only one aspect of the art. The sport was designed to be unique and they accomplished that goal. Not everyone likes it OK.

Karate being added to the Olympics will do wonders for the sport! The arts will remain the same!

I do tend to view it as more of a good thing than a bad thing. It is inevitable that some schools will begin focusing ONLY on Olympic-style competition, just as some TKD schools have done exactly that. But just like with TKD, there are always going to be plenty of karate styles and orgs who do something completely different. As well as those who try to balance the two approaches.

As I said earlier, if it raises awareness and gets more adults training then I'm for it.
As I understand it the WKF bid to include Karate into the Olympics excludes Kata. It will just be Kumite.

Which I think is kind of a shame, because that could be one of the very things that differentiates karate from any other martial sport that is currently on the Olympic roster.
Karate is doing very well without any Olympic involvement, I don't know why it would be thought it needs help in marketing itself.
Japan is not such a favourite to win.

Talk in Europe is that Istanbul could get it because they haven't had an Olympics before, both Tokyo and Madrid have plus they are spending a huge amount of money on things like new bridges etc and politically it would be beneficial. Otherwise the it is Spain because of the credit crunch and it really needing to host it. Tokyo not so much.
It is really hard to predict who will win the bid...the favorite city has lost the last two bids!

The article you posted is on the fence...but it offers allot of food for thought!

Karate is big in both Spain and Turkey so all three would be good for Karate's inclusion in 2020...
I really hope you are wrong and karate isn't included, yes I'm a karateka but I really don't want to see karate reduced to being seen as nothing more than points scoring, tippy tappy stuff, it's so much deeper than that. It doesn't deserve to have done to it what's happened to TKD and Judo, made audience friendly and superficial. Karate is popular enough around the world that we don't need this 'boost' of ambitious parents trying to push their kids into the Dojos. I don't want to see some sort of Olympic karate as with TKD, there's a good many very good karate styles out there, good instructors and students who don't deserve this dumbing down. There's a lot of work being done on Bunkai and pragmatic karate, we do have good fighters some like a couple I know go into MMA (and still train kata), we have fighters to prefer the old fashioned full contact karate and we've had very noticable names in that sphere. We've also got well known SD instructors from karate, why do we need this so called cachet of being in the Olympics? The truth is we don't.
Have a really good look at what happened to Judo and then see if karate int he Olympics is such a good move.
The late Sensei Hidetaka Nishiyama or Shotokan fame has worked for many years in trying to get Karate into the Olympics. In a way, I am glad the effort was unsuccessful.
While making karate an Olympic sport would certainly draw more participants to the art, it also would also focus training specifically on the sports aspects of karate. This would be to the detriment of all other aspects of this wonderful art / "do" / way of life.
Even on a purely technical aspect, inclusion in the Olympics can have very negative effects. You can observe what happened to Judo training in the last 30 years. So many effective techniques are now "banned", because they are deemed to be too dangerous or injury prone in a competition. That's sad.
I am for Karate and TKD in the Olympics...

It is not a big deal if TKD IS pulled and Karate never makes it...we don't practice the art because it is in the Olympics and we don't just do the sport side...

I think that the damage that has been done and the damage it will do is greatly exaggerated...teach and train however you want having it in the Olympics should not affect the individual or the art...

Sport is just one aspect...
My two Mexican cents, that maybe are not worth a damn but any how here I am. I am a tkdoing and I am on it because firsth of all it's a wonderful martial art (as karate does), for me olimpic TKD has the sides of the coin, without a doubt olimpics has helped alot to TKD to be one of the best martial arts/sports around the world, I mean now TKD is recogniced in every part of the world and it's the number one martial art practiced around the globe, in the other hand (for me) TKD has lost something been sporticed, yes alo of electronic devices (e-hogu,etc.) and the way the tkdoing train these days is about WTF style of sparring that is okey if you want to earn points and win a sport match.

I am an old square intructor that remain faitfull to the old way of doing TKD, for me TKD has many things besides WTF style sparring.

If tkd is pulled out of the olimpics nothing is going to happen, we have gain so much thanks olimpic TKD that now TKD is a big scaparate for any kind of competition (pommsae or kyorugi) but the olimpics.

I also like Karate-Do and if this martial art will be choosen I gladly will see th olipic matches it can be a good thing to the sport side of karate and can be detrimental for the martial art of karate but either way you don't loose so much.

Even on a purely technical aspect, inclusion in the Olympics can have very negative effects. You can observe what happened to Judo training in the last 30 years. So many effective techniques are now "banned", because they are deemed to be too dangerous or injury prone in a competition. That's sad.

I don't think the banned techniques are that big of a deal. What really sucks about Olympic judo is that you don't get any time to work on the ground.
I am for Karate and TKD in the Olympics...

It is not a big deal if TKD IS pulled and Karate never makes it...we don't practice the art because it is in the Olympics and we don't just do the sport side...

I think that the damage that has been done and the damage it will do is greatly exaggerated...teach and train however you want having it in the Olympics should not affect the individual or the art...

Sport is just one aspect...

My main concern is getting more people doing it and perhaps increasing the intensity of the training in your average class. A lot of karate classes are pretty mellow. But some of the Olympic TKD classes that are really competition oriented that I've visited are kind of intense, with the same focus on conditioning that you would find in any other sport and a real focus on performance.
Our TKD training is very intense! Not for the light hearted or the out of shape. But not every session. Sunday is the tough day. Monday is go over what we did on Sunday and add to it. Wednesday is always technique much like a pitcher works on mechanics....train 5-6 days per week depending on cycle...also train in WKF sport karate...length of training depends on periodization!

Olympics will bring more elite athlete style training to Karate...because more $ will flow into the sport!
My main concern is getting more people doing it and perhaps increasing the intensity of the training in your average class. A lot of karate classes are pretty mellow. But some of the Olympic TKD classes that are really competition oriented that I've visited are kind of intense, with the same focus on conditioning that you would find in any other sport and a real focus on performance.

Karate classes are mellow? Really? perhaps the couple you've been to are but really you are judging karate by your experiences only, karate really isn't what you think it is! I think a few of you are assuming it's like TKD but it's not.
I can't see the IOC allowing full contact no gloves or shin pads kumite in the Olympics and if it's not that then it's a poor imitation of karate.
Tez3...I get your would like everyone to do Karate the way that you do it...never going to will be able to continue implement Karate in your world the way that you would like it...
Karate in the Olympics won't stop that....WKF Karate is is already being done on a grand scale...they filled a stadium in France for the World Championships...the Olympics will not change anything for those who would like to do a more aggressive style of karate...we do a much more aggressive full contact style in the DoJo...we prefer that way also...and our Karate is not mellow...not as much cardio but never mellow!
Tez3...I get your would like everyone to do Karate the way that you do it...never going to will be able to continue implement Karate in your world the way that you would like it...
Karate in the Olympics won't stop that....WKF Karate is is already being done on a grand scale...they filled a stadium in France for the World Championships...the Olympics will not change anything for those who would like to do a more aggressive style of karate...we do a much more aggressive full contact style in the DoJo...we prefer that way also...and our Karate is not mellow...not as much cardio but never mellow!

Wrong, I don't want everyone to do karate as I used to, I want people to understand that if they go to a couple of karate classes this isn't necessararily how karate is everywhere else. I'm arguing specifically against one person who assumes karate is a childrens 'sport' and that it needs to be in the Olympics to get adults in it. Now the obvious thing is, if there's going to be karate in the Olympics there already are plenty of adults in karate! You are saying what I'm saying that karate is already popular and isn't marginalised so while karate in the Olympics might be good for some, we don't need it in the Olympics because it's a dying style.
If karate is going into the Olympics it's because it's already a well known, popular sport practised by a good many adults. I really don't like seeing karate being put about as some sort of inferior kiddie pastime.

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