Does karate need to evolve?

You just did. Reread what I quoted.

None of which has any bearing on the discussion at hand.

Again, not relevant to the discussion at hand.

Which would have been a more reasonable statement to make in your original response to my comment.
My original statement was based on my experience. As I’ve started.
If you don’t like that oh well.
Serving in the military doesn’t qualify someone to speak about guns.
Do you believe a naval engineer is qualified to discuss gun fighting? Or an air force cook?
My experience I’ve trained roughly 200 sailors in basic marksmanship and safe fire arms handling, and I’m not qualified to authoritatively speak on gun fighting(unless we’re talking about the real big guns)
@drop bear was a breacher. That takes some training in gun fighting. This is an Internet forum, anyone is qualified to speak on any topic they like. I was inviting him to speak on a topic because I believed he might have something valuable to add.
Serving in the military doesn’t qualify someone to speak about guns.
Do you believe a naval engineer is qualified to discuss gun fighting? Or an air force cook?
My experience I’ve trained roughly 200 sailors in basic marksmanship and safe fire arms handling, and I’m not qualified to authoritatively speak on gun fighting(unless we’re talking about the real big guns)
If you read the entirety of the conversation you might have something valuable to add. Feel free.
My original statement was based on my experience. As I’ve started.
If you don’t like that oh well.
What exactly is your experience? It must be rather extensive, as you obviously feel qualified to speak from it with authority. It is my experience that people that jump into the middle of a conversation only to deride and claim superiority are not coming from a place of substance, but rather insecurity and ineptitude. If you don’t like that, oh well.
@drop bear was a breacher. That takes some training in gun fighting. This is an Internet forum, anyone is qualified to speak on any topic they like. I was inviting him to speak on a topic because I believed he might have something valuable to add.
Qualified to speak on a subject and able to speak on a subject are two very different things.

Also breacher can mean a wide variety of things in regards to training and knowledge of gun fighting. A navy breacher will have little more experience than myself. A marine breacher is a different story, etc.
What exactly is your experience? It must be rather extensive, as you obviously feel qualified to speak from it with authority. It is my experience that people that jump into the middle of a conversation only to deride and claim superiority are not coming from a place of substance, but rather insecurity and ineptitude. If you don’t like that, oh well.
I’ve literally listed what my experience on the subject already feel free to go back and reread.
This is iaido sword kata, there are 7 different kata in this clip.
These are true japanese kata. These types of kata existed long before the term was applied to karate forms. So how can the term kata be defined as a long sequence of movements in the way most people define the word?

I'm not saying kata is not long forms, I'm just trying to point out that the long Chinese form style past down to Okinawa is not the defining characteristics. It's more about the training methodology.
The kata shown in this video are only the FIRST kata taught. These are generally standard forms practiced by most schools, I think, whatever their particular ryu is. The kata curriculum starts to differ from style to style as it gets more advanced. As can be seen in the second half of the clip, the forms tend to get longer. By the time one is training for black belt and beyond, they can be much longer. BTW, I thought her performance was very clean and well executed.

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