Here is a parable…call it “The parable of PAUL of MT” cause I just made it up on the spot. You guys can take it to mean anything you like, because that’s what you’re going to do regardless, but I am trying to illustrate a point or two. It doesn’t all fit together, but hopefully you’ll see my point. Many of you will miss the point regardless of what way, shape, or form I illustrate it, but I am hoping that at least one of you will get it:
Little CaesarÂ’s
There once was a man who’s name was Caesar. He was very small in stature, so people called him “little,” hence his nickname “Little Caesar.”
Caesar was a carpenter, blue-collar, who loved to cook, and experiment with different kinds of food. One day in one of his many experiments, he decided to take some dough and flatten it out. He then took a sauce from crushed tomatoes and put it on the flattened dough. He then sprinkled cheese on the dough, and put it in his wood-burning oven to cook. When the cheese was melted he took it out and tasted his new creation. This had never been done before. He tasted, and he decided that it was good!
From that day forth, Little Caesar loved his new creation, and experimented with it. He would put all different kinds of meats and cheeses on it. He even tried vegetables and fruit. Sometimes he wouldn’t even use tomato sauce, or cheese. It didn’t matter what he did or how he did it, just as long as the basic premises of his creation was in tact, and so long as it was good. He decided to give it a name, so he called it “Pizza.” He loved it so much, that he decided to go on tour with his wonderful creation.
So he toured the countryside doing live cooking shows with his Pizza. Along the way he picked up a bunch of followers who were very busy trying to learn how to make Pizza as wonderfully as little Caesar, and who admired and loved Caesar for all his works.
Everyone was having a great time, except some of the other traditional pasta chefÂ’s. The traditional pasta ChefÂ’s spend years and cooking school, and only believed you should cook pasta, and only in specific ways. In fact, the ways to cook pasta are so specific that you should only go to the traditional pasta chefÂ’s restaurants and give them a large portion of your $$, so they can cook the pasta for you. In fact, if you were to try to cook it yourself without the years of schooling and dedication, the people of the land would be so appalled that they would stone you to death. Now, there is this carefree Little Caesar guy cooking pizza everywhere. He cooks it for anyone and everyone who wants a taste, and he uses many different ingredients. As long as the basic premise of the pizza remains in tact, people have such freedom to eat what they want with this pizza. And even worseÂ…he showed people how to cook Pizza for themselves! HeÂ’ll show anyone, even tax collectors and prostitutes! We cannot have this, some blue-collar guy with no culinary schooling taking $$ out from our pockets! The people love him too much for us to be able to have him stoned. SoÂ…lets go tell the queen!
So, the traditional Pasta Chefs went out and told queen Martha Stuart at K-Mart Palace what this little Caesar Guy had been up to. Queen Stuart did not care who did what really, just as long as people followed her blindly and gave her $$, and didnÂ’t question here methods or insider trading violations. When she heard of this, she got worried. The Traditional Chefs paid taxes, gave her $$ from the people, and never questioned her authority. The people thought that she knew the most out of anyone in terms of cooking and housekeeping. That was because the people relied on her K-mart stores and government for necessities, and the Traditional Chefs for pasta; so they feared to much to question authority. This Little Caesar character is having the people cook for themselves, provide for themselves, and think for themselves. Because of this, they are no longer afraid. Since fear is a necessity to run K-mart land, Queen Stuart decided that Little Caesar must be put to death!
So, they hoax one of Caesars 12 pizza chef students to rat him out. Then, they crucify little Caesar. And they tell everyone that whoever is caught making PizzaÂ’s could be put to death. You might be forced to acknowledge queen Martha as the ultimate authority, allowing you to escape alive after being tortured some (by being forced to watch the queens show), but chances are, youÂ’ll be put to death!
This naturally scared the crap out of Ceases followers. They all hid up in a building, and tried to figure out what the hell they were to do. Plus, this happened so suddenly. Little Caesar was only 33 years old. They all figured he would live much longer. It seemed that Caesar knew all along about this, but he didn’t inform his students ‘til about a day or so ahead of time that Queen Martha was comin’ after him. With all their traveling and cooking seminars, they hadn’t had the time to write down all of Ceases Recipe’s, or anything about Ceases life for that matter! “How could we have overlooked this?” they thought. So many unanswered questions…
So, they decided that there was no stopping Martha and her tyranny and insider trading violations. She is untouchable, and they are doomed to die. So, they figured, through divine inspiration, that they would all go off and teach cooking seminars themselves. They might not be as good as Little Caesar, and they might not know all the recipes, but they each had the same basic Premise and truths that made Pizza what it is. They also figured that they hadnÂ’t taken the time to write down anything yet, so they had better not stop to do this now. If they stop to write, they will be killed before they get half way through, and the records will be destroyed anyways by Martha and the gang. So they all split up and went in different directions, teaching cooking seminars on making pizza. Each one was a little different then the other, but the basic Premise of Pizza was taught. AndÂ…it was good!
They all eventually were killed, except Hungary Howey who was banished to Sicily. They all wrote a bunch of stuff, but much of it was destroyed. Some letters that they had wrote in their travels are the only remnants left. Later on, some of the students of the 12 original pizza cooks wrote stories on Little Caesers life based off what they were taught, and some very few writings that were available. These students succeeded in the long run though; their cooking seminars have spread the good ways of enjoying pizza to thousands. It could not stop now, because Pizza is so good and so yummy, so more and more people were discovering how to enjoy it every day. The momentum would continue until this day.
Now, while the original 11 Ceasians (one of the 12 sold Caesar out and committed suicide, if you remember), as they were called, other things were occurring. The people at K-Mart and the headquarters were doing everything to try to erase the history of Caesar and his Pizza creation. They tried to get rid of records, burn records if they found them, or change records all together. TheyÂ’re were also people who were Traditional Pastaians who still followed the pasta chefs who were writing many false things about Caesar because they did not understand how to make pizza. You also had people who were neither Pastians or Ceasians, who didnÂ’t understand either culinary school. They would often write things that made absolutely no sense, or werenÂ’t true. You also had other schools of Pizza sprouting about everywhere. Pizza Paul tried to fight against this by writing many letters on recipes, cooking temperatures, etc. You see, all though there are many ways to make a pizza, there are certain foundations that must be there, or else it wonÂ’t be pizza. Some culinary schools tried to make pizza without the dough, for instance, which is impossible. Some would make pizza with weird stuff on it, like donkey dung instead of tomato sauce, which is gross. Pizza is supposed to be good, not gross! Pizza Paul would write letters to these schools to try to steer them in the right direction.
Well, as things always do, the Pizza culture, and Ceasianity grew, and people’s perceptions of good Pizza has drastically changed. Many of the writings on Little Caeser and Caeseanity were compiled into a great cook book. Some people forget that these are a compilation of recipes and stories from different authors and era’s, forgetting what the whole point of Little Caesars Pizza was in the first place, and interpreting things beyond how these recipes were supposed to be interpreted. Some people insist that you can only make pizza with pepperoni. Others insist on using sausage. Some are adamantly against sticking your dough in the oven before marriage, and some are against two ovens or two doughs banging together. Some don’t even know about Ceaseanity, and they are looking to stick doughs in ovens every chance they get, regardless of who gets burned. Some only eat, make, and talk about pizza on Sundays. Others everyday. Some hold up signs on street corners like, “Pizza Saves!” and they bombard people with zealous cooking ideas, turning them off. Many have used Ceasianity in the name of evil, saying that Pizza making is the only way, and if you don’t eat pizza you should be killed off. Caesar never said you couldn’t try pasta or Ice Cream, he only promoted the greatness of Pizza, and he just didn’t want his people to eat something that would harm them, or stop them from enjoying pizza.
It is very sad because the simple and wonderful teachings of Little Caesar are today confused and confounded 2000 years later. It seems that many people don’t think logically anymore, and don’t realize simply that pizza is good, and should be shared with friends. They try to reason everything out with false logic, and information based on false histories. In fact, there are many educated culinary specialists who write about Pizza and Little Caesar in such ridicules ways, only to make a name for themselves. And of course, people now a days, 2000 years later, are so skeptical of every little thing that they can’t separate what is true from what is false anymore! And many are so busy trying to be smarter and more special then the other people in the resteraunts, that they can’t just sit back and enjoy their own pizza! Some of these “pizza history specialists” have even conjected, despite all the evidence, that Little Caesar never even existed at all! As if the early Ceasians just made up some story because they LIKED to run from the government, and to eventually be tortured and murdered for their beliefs! Ridicules, I know, but also true. It is ridicules how human beings continue to fabricate reality instead of simply looking at the facts that are available to come up with logical solutions. It seems that the more we think we are progressing, the more we are actually digressing in our taste buds. Soon, it seems, our society won’t be able to taste the difference between Pizza and pork rinds!
What to do? Well, I donÂ’t have all the answers, nor do I profess too. I can do very little about the idiocy of mankind. So, I guess IÂ’ll just sit back and enjoy my pizza, and offer pizza to whoever wants a taste, and talk about Little Ceaser to whoever will listen.