The Historical Jesus.

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Well, the admins obviously don't think so.

We're only human--we can't read all of a thread this size. There are only so many hours in the day!

As always, we ask that everyone keep the discussion polite and respectful.

-MT Admin-
What makes you think my "theology" is at all similar to Betrand Russel's??QUOTE]

No. You're correct, you're not in Russel's league. He was polite, if anything. His intellect allowed him that security.

I didn't write that possessed a theology. I said "regarding theology". Quite different. Russel didn't "have" a theology. He wrote quite a bit about it, though, as you no doubt know.

You're right in one respect, though...I do assume too much here. What are you? Theist? Atheist?

I do find it humorous, however, that the ones that claim I am being "condescending" were always the first ones to start making personal attacks. Very curious, no?


You condescended to me right off the bat, and I never once attacked you. It seems your general tone and style. I'm not sure you wouldn't write like that regardless of the topic. It appears almost natural.

Use of the "eye rolling" and eye-winking smiley faces, the "chuckles"...all so uneccessary. A pity, too. You seem very well read.

This thread has obviously devolved into some silly attempt to crucify (pun intended) my character. I certainly can't recall when I was "condescending" to Hardheadjarhead but, if thats the way he feels (right or wrong), then I apologize.

But, as a matter of fact, you DID attack me before I ever said anything of a "condescending" light to you.

As for Paul, you are rehashing the same garbage all over again. For all your posturing, you were the first one to attack anyone else in the thread, and you were the one that brought it back up over a month after the "debate" between us had been more or less settled. You obviously have a problem with letting things go.

I'm sorry that your definition of "respect" is limited into treating someone else's viewpoint as if it has equal logical/historical validity as all others. That's not my definition of respect, and I don't expect others to subscribe to it.

As for all the smilies and chuckles, I do that to add humor. This is an internet forum. Don't take it all so seriously. ;)
I know I'll probably regret this later, but here goes...

Yup...I'm at it 'again'... dur-dur-dur

Wow. If I didn't know better, I'd say Paul almost had a sense of humor. Almost. :p

Also...since this is the internet, if I get busy I'll be late what?

I just found it interesting that you are replying to a single line I typed over two pages back and written several days ago. And, moreover, you are rehashing the same "Well, I think you're an ******* and so that disproves your argument!!" line of thinking that we settled months back. Vey interesting, indeed. this is just a flippin idiotic attempt to try to defend you position. First of all...what do you call "Hypothesis"? It's a question based off an ASSUMPTION, of which goes through a series of tests to prove or disprove the assumption.

Thanks for taking what I said completely out of context. Real nice. ;)

A hypothesis is an educated guess, more or less. It is based on prior experience or observation of some kind. The Deluge researchers, however, lack any sort of empirical experience or observation regarding their claims and the entire basis for their experiment rests solely on the purpose of trying to vindicate their religion to others. Now, not all researchers of the Flood are guilty of this, but a significant portion are.

The point I was trying to make is that these particular individuals already have the conclusion part of the scientific method decided in their minds. Thus, all they are using "science" for is to amass the random "evidence" needed to "prove" their beliefs right to the rest of the world. Like I said before, the conclusion is supposed to be the last thing the scientist comes up with. Not the first. Thus, it is pseudo-science (not unlike scientific creationism).

By already declaring the stories in the Bible are historically and literally true without any empirical evidence to back such a claim up, and using said stories as a basis for conducting a scientific inquiry, is nothing short of a logical folly.

But besides that...we are not just talking about science and history...this question also involves religion. Science does a great job of explaining "how", but not such a good job of explaining "why", which religion/philosephy is designed to explain. Anyways...

I believe Jay Gould referred to them as "non-overlapping magisteria". ;)

Sorry...I haven't been following the creationism thread. So how does it feel to be wrong again?

You have a nasty habit, paul, of declaring someone "wrong" or declaring yourself "the winner" for no other reason than your say-so. My point about the conclusion being the final stage of the scientific method (and not the first, as it is with pseudo-scientists like scientific creationists and some of the flood researchers) is still quite valid. You admitted to being wrong once. Someone save it quick before he realizes what he has done.

The chip on your shoulder is obvious, paul. You should probably stop taking an internet discussion so seriously.

I bring it up because your behavior is unbarable. You alienate others so you can raise yourself on a pedistle....and it wasn't like you just said something, and now its over. You will continue...on and on and on...until people stop talking to you can then 'believe' that you must have completely crushed everyone in an arguement.

Gosh...your such a man....

You know, Paul, for all your claims attempting to assassinate my character in some attempt to vindicate your argument (which is what this all really boils down to), you have yet to provide any concrete examples of this that I have not completely debunked. Your best shots were supposed "allusions" and "tones" in my posts, whereas your posts have been downright (and overtly) hostile and aggressive.

Just look at the track record. You couldn't beat my position with your "evidence", and so you begin to simply ignore and selectivly cut-and-paste the "evidence" I provided. After I repeatedly pointed this out, you then attacked me personally, resorting to some psychobabble about me having "bad experiences" with Christianity when I was younger or about how you were "so much better read" then me on the subject. When I pointed this all out, you flatout denied it. When I pointed out your denial, you got upset because you believed I was calling you a "liar". And then, after all that, you declared yourself the "winner" of the argument by taking a single line I said completely out of context. Repeatedly, I might add.

And, what's worse, after over two months after we had come to an understanding of sorts, you bring up the same inane accusations and arguments all over again!!

And, now.... you have the audacity to say that my behavior is unbearable?! Try looking in the mirror sometime, Paul. You might learn something.

Its just to bad that you feel the need to criticize what you believe to be untrue.

Why?? If someone had said something along the lines of "Christianity is a big crock", I doubt you'd keep quiet about it. So, what possesses you into thinking I should??

If I think something is untrue or, worse, a lie then I will let you know it. Some would appreciate that kind of honesty (instead of pretending you agree with everyone else and massaging their poor wittle egos), and some don't. You are obviously of the latter.

It's not dealing with your beliefs that is a problem. It's not dealing with a discussion either. It's dealing with YOUR behavior.

I could copy and paste the short "behavior record" of yours that I explained above... but why bother?? :rolleyes:

Now your playing semantics.

Actually, no, I'm not. There is a difference between something being "non-historical" and something being a "made up story" (thus implying it is nothing more than an amusing fiction at worst and a lie at best).

There you go again with your arrogent behavior.

*chuckles* Its called a joke, Paul. Maybe you should try making one someday?? ;)

WRONG! In a discussion forum, I state my beliefs, LISTEN to others, and discuss the issues. I am not out to be critical of someone elses beliefs.

Even though you have been. Repeatedly. And you are now, too.

Still flirting with hypocrisy, paul.

YOU sir, are the one who have been critical of others beliefs and evidence since the beginning of this discussion.

Thanks for the compliment. ;)

The "Big Deal" is that how you behave is not condusive of a good discussion.

This coming from Mr. "I won, I won!! Why are you still talking!! The argument's over because I say so!! I won!!"?? Right. :rolleyes:

First of all...because of YOUR beliefs and assumptions, there is no amount of evidence out there that anyone could bring you that would "hold out" enough for you.

I guess when you can't bring the "evidence", then you attack the critiquer, saying how no evidence would be "good enough". Not exactly atypical of you, paul.

So what's the point of asking for it anyways? The only point I can see is that you do it so you can slam and criticize others.

Key words: "only point I can see".

Am I 'rigid' in my beliefs? Why yes....that's because I have balls. You should get some. I don't sit on the fence out of fear that God forbid I might be wrong. If I am wrong...the great...I learned something.

And this, class, is the kind of personal attacks Paulikus Maximum has been engaging almost from the very beginning. So, what have we learned today??

I am not so "rigid", though, that I can't discuss issues with people who don't agree with me. But, I am a little too 'rigid' to let people slam on my beliefs w/o me saying something on the matter.

Good for you. Wanna cookie??

Don't be so sure about what the "admins" think. Just because you play by the rules, it doesn't mean you can't still act like a jerk. I've been suspended before because others acted like jerks, yet I got mad and responed too quickly. The "admins" agreed with my viewpoint and that the other party were the jerks...however, I still broke the rules. Point is, you can be a jerk without the admins jumping down your throat if you play by the rules.

Actually, not that it matters in any way, but two of the admins have sent me PMs with positive feedback. I have received none, however, with negative feedback.

No...but I believe that you ARE required to at least respect others viewpoints....yet at this, you have failed horribly.

As I said before, Paul, your definition of "respect" is "pretend they're right until proven wrong". That's not the definition I subscribe to.

WRONG AGAIN! At least when it comes to me...I can't speak for other people who believe in a historical Jesus. I don't mind having my beliefs questioned...

Heh. Coulda fooled me. :rolleyes:

Try not to be such an A-hole "every now and then." And...I don't care why you revived this thread...its all along the same lines. The last posted would have explained his position on his interpretation of the bible, and if it didn't coincide with yours, you would have pissed all over it. Same thing you've been doing from the beginning.

I was unaware you had gained the power of precognition, paul. Mind telling me who will win the next Superbowl?? :rolleyes:

No...your arrogence stinks enough to ruffle my feathers. Don't think that your arrogence and your argument are one in the same.

I re-quote: "Mr. 'I won, I won!! Why are you still talking!! The argument's over because I say so!! I won!!'". The mirror, Paul. The mirror.

First off...why would I lie to you? At least I am man enough to use my real name and contact information. I am also man enough to tell the truth. I can't say the same about you.

Well, your pathetic attempt to turn this into some ego "manly" contest aside...

You have already lied on this thread before. Namely, when I called you on it (your personal attacks concerning my "psychological history" concerning Christianity). Then you denied it. That, friends, is called lying.

It's not a matter of ego...its a matter of respect. You treat those who don't believe the same as you with very little respect. This is my problem. Ask anyone who has been on this forum with me where there has been a heated discussion....I can handle when people don't agree with me. I can handle having my beliefs questioned.

Sounds like ego from where I'm standing. "Honor" and "respect" are the ego's favorite catchwords, because they basically boil down to making you feel better about yourself. A self-massage, if you will.

Another problem that I have as well is your elitist attitude. You take the position that not all 'beliefs' are equal so you can then take the position that yours are 'better' then everyone else around you who doesn't agree. You have yet to prove that your "opinions" are superior then anyone elses...and you won't. THATS WHY THEY ARE "Beliefs" AND "opinions"... not facts; no ones is 'better' then anyone elses unless it can be "imperically" proven, at which point the opinion/belief must become fact.

Paul, I already "proved" my position. You, using your usual tactics, simply ignored and/or cut-and-paste said evidence. Then you turned it into a mudslinging war.

You, for example, never commented on the geographical and legal incongruities I mentioned, or the "mystery play" form of much of the biblical drama, or the much later dating of *all* extant Biblical texts compared to the earlier dates you had erroneously provided --- you just ignored them all.

You claim I slam on others' "evidence", but at least I give it a fighting chance. You just pretend others' "evidence" doesn't even exist to suit your purposes.

No...I just want you to treat other opinions with respect. You can disagree with me...fine. I recognize that I might be wrong, even though I don't believe that I am. If you would do the same, life would be so much easier.

That's obviously not the problem, Paul, because as I've stated before I have never rigidly pronounced there was no Jesus. Only, that it was extremely unlikely. Meaning, I might be wrong. So, there's no problem in accepting I *might* be wrong.

This, begs the question, then, what is the problem??

Well, I'm sure the guy that resorted to mud-slinging, accusations of being "poorly read", a false "psychological history" of the opposition, and bluntly declared himself the "winner" by taking the opposition's quote out of context can enlighten us all on that. :rolleyes:

Now...does your behavior annoy me enough to stay off the thread. annoys me so much more. It annoys me so much that I am not going to let you dominate a thread as you disrespect and "traunce" all over my beliefs.

Never mind. You just answered my question. The problem is obviously ego. Again.

If I did what you are doing to a buddhist, hinduist, or athiest, I'd be blamed for being an intolerant SOB. So...what does that make you?

Here's a little hint for life, Paul: just because someone calls you something doesn't make it true.

"To thine own self be true." - William Shakespeare

Laterz. :)
No. You're correct, you're not in Russel's league. He was polite, if anything. His intellect allowed him that security.

*sigh* More personal attacks. :rolleyes:

Why is it the ones that always accuse you of being "condescending" and "demeaning" are always the ones that do the most mud-slinging??

Smoke and mirrors, I guess. Emphasis on the mirrors.

I didn't write that possessed a theology. I said "regarding theology". Quite different. Russel didn't "have" a theology. He wrote quite a bit about it, though, as you no doubt know.


You're right in one respect, though...I do assume too much here. What are you? Theist? Atheist?

Hrmmmm..... I guess you could say "panentheist" or "neo-perennial philosopher", or maybe "nondualist".

You condescended to me right off the bat,

I don't recall "condescending" you. Could you please cite the specific example.

and I never once attacked you.

Ok, Mr. "You alienate people" and "I can't respect you".

You and I must have a different definition of "personal attack".

Use of the "eye rolling" and eye-winking smiley faces, the "chuckles"...all so uneccessary.

Humor, my friend. Humor. ;)

A pity, too. You seem very well read.

Thanks for the compliment. :D
I think this thread has played out. I'm going to lock it. Feel free to start a new thread for any particular sub-issue of this discussion.

-MT Admin-
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