The Heavy Metal Thread!

i think the black album is the let down album for most. trying new things is one thing; there are plenty of bands out there who evolved but still made metal. metallica's "evolution" looked much more like a contrived P.R. move in order to survive the grunge era.
I guess I don't see how experimenting with blues and country sounds (like on Load and Reload) = grunge... :idunno:

still, i could have forgiven the black album. BUT launching an all-out attack on music sharing when your band got it's start by selling bootleg copies of cover songs? that is the new $$metallica$$.
I'm not sure where you got this. At one point Lars Ulrich was spending so much money on NWOBHM imports, that a local music store would reserve him a copy of everything that came in. They did encourage fans to bootleg their live shows, however.
Are you one of those fans that started screaming sell-out when Fade To Black came out?
And then when (gasp) they made a video for One?
And then when the black album debuted at #1?
Bands evolve. As was pointed out earlier in this thread, look at where Pantera started. Or look at a band like Rush. Fly By Night and Temples of Syrinx was fairly heavy stuff, then later they went through that horrible new age period.
I've been listening to Metallica since about '86, and I appreciate the fact that they've tried new things. They're the same band that doesn't give a **** what people think, but some fans are pissed off now that Metallica won't fit into the image that they've created for them.
But if you want a band that still has the same sound, check out AC/DC or Slayer. Most of their songs are interchangeable.

Actually no. I LIKED everything from the Black album backwards. They sounded like metal is supposed to sound.

I could even tolerate a song or two off Load.

Then sometime around there aliens kidnapped them and brainwashed them into country singers.

Now if thats what they wanna do that's their call but doing so costs them the right to ever again be called a "metal" band is all I'm saying.
Now if thats what they wanna do that's their call but doing so costs them the right to ever again be called a "metal" band is all I'm saying.
Regardless of what's on the albums, the live show is still heavy. I think it was around the time of the black album tour that Hetfield took singing lessons. Even the old stuff has sounded better since he sings it instead of screaming it, and doesn't blow out his voice towards the end of a gig. The Cliff 'Em All video has a couple of good examples of how bad his voice would get.
Are you one of those fans that started screaming sell-out when Fade To Black came out?
And then when (gasp) they made a video for One?

I loved the video for One, it was very well done.

And then when the black album debuted at #1?

IMHO, that's just further proof that Metallica intentionally traded musical integrity for mass appeal. Yes, I said intentionally. Getting Bob Rock to produce the black album? The same Bob Rock who turned Def Leppard from a crap band to a very popular crap band? Please... how can you say that they didn't know exactly what they were doing...

Bands evolve. As was pointed out earlier in this thread, look at where Pantera started. Or look at a band like Rush. Fly By Night and Temples of Syrinx was fairly heavy stuff, then later they went through that horrible new age period.

Yes, musical evolution is good, and you gave some great examples. Too bad that Metallica has devolved since 'Justice.

I've been listening to Metallica since about '86, and I appreciate the fact that they've tried new things. They're the same band that doesn't give a **** what people think, but some fans are pissed off now that Metallica won't fit into the image that they've created for them.

I think that its painfully obvious that Metallica doesn't give a **** what people think of thier music :lol:
The first Metallica Album I ever bought was also their only album at the time “Kill ‘Em All” in 1983. The first time I saw Metallica was in a small night club that was previously and bowling alley in 1984 or early 85 it was the The Ride The Lightning tour. They evolved quite a lot from Kill ‘Em All to Black Album and more. When St Anger came out the evolved again but it sucked the some kind of monster tour and associated TV extravaganza pretty much told me yeah they are famous, yeah they are good, yeah they just bought into their own hype, We're Metallica, we're Rock Gods, we could do an entire Album of Mary had a little lamb and these fools would eat it up.

I am really hoping the new album is good and frankly I do not need it to sound like Kill Em All or the Black Album. But after St Anger and the some kind of monster deal I have my doubts.
IMHO, that's just further proof that Metallica intentionally traded musical integrity for mass appeal. Yes, I said intentionally. Getting Bob Rock to produce the black album? The same Bob Rock who turned Def Leppard from a crap band to a very popular crap band? Please... how can you say that they didn't know exactly what they were doing...
I disagree here. Sad But True is one of my favorite Metallica songs. A little slower than the speed metal from the earlier albums, but still heavy as hell, similar to Call of Ktulu.
I think that its painfully obvious that Metallica doesn't give a **** what people think of thier music :lol:
That was exactly my point. They never have.

I am really hoping the new album is good and frankly I do not need it to sound like Kill Em All or the Black Album. But after St Anger and the some kind of monster deal I have my doubts.
I like a couple of songs from St. Anger: Some Kind Of Monster, Frantic; and I like the track from the new album. Maybe I'm getting old... :idunno:
I like a couple of songs from St. Anger: Some Kind Of Monster, Frantic; and I like the track from the new album. Maybe I'm getting old... :idunno:

:eek: SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!! Kreth mellowing with age :confused:

My world just doesn't make sense anymore :idunno: :uhyeah:
I disagree here. Sad But True is one of my favorite Metallica songs. A little slower than the speed metal from the earlier albums, but still heavy as hell, similar to Call of Ktulu.

Metallica used to be great at playig slow songs. Call of Ktulu (your example), unlike their newer slow songs has so much depth and complexity that you just sit back and say "wow!" Yeah, Sad But True is slow and heavy, but that's about all you can say about it. There is no comparison.
I guess I don't see how experimenting with blues and country sounds (like on Load and Reload) = grunge... :idunno:

I'm not sure where you got this. At one point Lars Ulrich was spending so much money on NWOBHM imports, that a local music store would reserve him a copy of everything that came in. They did encourage fans to bootleg their live shows, however.

i didn't say that what they did was grunge, but that it was contrived to survive the grunge era. grunge was in part defined by a lack of emphasis on musicianship. so i don't think it was a coincidence that a band known for playing 8-minute epics suddenly limits their songs to 2 or 3 parts, & hammet discovers the joys of pentatonic scales & the wah pedal.

the bootlegging is my point. how is bootlegging any different from file-sharing? especially considering how many cover songs they used to play. did metallica pay all their due royalities to the misfits, queen, et al for every cover they did live? if not, they are some of the biggest hypocrits in the music industry.

Metallica used to be great at playig slow songs. Call of Ktulu (your example), unlike their newer slow songs has so much depth and complexity that you just sit back and say "wow!" Yeah, Sad But True is slow and heavy, but that's about all you can say about it. There is no comparison.
Actually, I meant to use The Thing That Should Not Be as an example, but my fingers had other ideas... :lol:
I wasn't really a fan of Sad But True and Wherever I May Roam when the black album first came out. Then I heard them live.

i didn't say that what they did was grunge, but that it was contrived to survive the grunge era. grunge was in part defined by a lack of emphasis on musicianship. so i don't think it was a coincidence that a band known for playing 8-minute epics suddenly limits their songs to 2 or 3 parts, & hammet discovers the joys of pentatonic scales & the wah pedal.
In interviews, they've said that after the epics on Justice, there wasn't really much point in going that direction any longer. So, they started to experiment with different styles of music.

the bootlegging is my point. how is bootlegging any different from file-sharing? especially considering how many cover songs they used to play. did metallica pay all their due royalities to the misfits, queen, et al for every cover they did live? if not, they are some of the biggest hypocrits in the music industry.
I don't think there's a band in existence (mine included) that can say they've paid royalties on every cover they've ever played. How would you even get started if you had to pay out of pocket until you had a full gig's worth of your own music?
The whole Napster issue started because an entire album was leaked to Napster before it was even available in stores. I know that would piss me off.
I heard Unforgiven III this morning....for cryin' out loud....does it get more commercial than that?

What's next? Unforgiven IV, Jame's Revenge.....

Ever since Cliff Burton died they've gone down the toilet IMHO.
I don't think there's a band in existence (mine included) that can say they've paid royalties on every cover they've ever played. How would you even get started if you had to pay out of pocket until you had a full gig's worth of your own music?
The whole Napster issue started because an entire album was leaked to Napster before it was even available in stores. I know that would piss me off.

an album leak sucks, but it's no reason to try & shut down an entire file-sharing community. what napster did was no different that tape-trading or playing cover songs.
Long Live Metal !!!

I discovered two bands that are pretty good.

Agalloch - DarkMetal/ Folk Metal, good mix though. Check out album Ashes against the Grain. Haunting guitar riffs and choruses etc....

Soilwork - Swedish Metal Band that whoops some serious @ss.

OMG i'm have been obessessed with Soilwork for the last two years since i've heard of them. I LOVE the Stabbing the Drama album and the Natural Born Chaos album.

Ok new band Aizen is kick ***. You got to check them out.

Five Finger Death Punch has a new album. i dont know if it came out or is coming out but i love there new song "Never Enough". Defnately check it out if you havent already.

I just got the new Slipknot album today and it's SIC! Also the new Metallica is out today which also kicks ***.
Regardless of what's on the albums, the live show is still heavy. I think it was around the time of the black album tour that Hetfield took singing lessons. Even the old stuff has sounded better since he sings it instead of screaming it, and doesn't blow out his voice towards the end of a gig. The Cliff 'Em All video has a couple of good examples of how bad his voice would get.

I guess this is gonna just have to be one of those stylistic preference things where you and I differ, but the way I see it. "singing lessons" and people who come to metal to hear melodious voices and graceful songs are, plain and simply, missing the entire point of "METAL".

There are groups I like I can't even understand what they say without a lyric sheet.



The point.

I don't listen to metal to hear the words. I listen because the instruments kick ****ing *** and are nice and FAST and go well with my pushups and punching stuff and the blowing off of steam.

And again, there are exceptions, such as Nightwish, who have a singer with a beautiful voice, but again, I ain't listening to her, I'm all about the score.

So yes.

When I want specifically to hear "METAL", and I hear a group whose very name, METALlica, implies by its existence that they are the kings of METAL, and then they give me country, I'm gonna get pissed off.

They all must either abandon this apostate's path, or else change their name to Countryica, or at least surrender the name "Metallica".

Any rights they had to be called "METAL" they have lost until they atone.
Also the new Metallica is out today which also kicks ***.
I agree. I just picked it up, and based on what I've heard so far, The Day That Never Comes may be the mellowest song on the album.

"singing lessons" and people who come to metal to hear melodious voices and graceful songs are, plain and simply, missing the entire point of "METAL".
Tell that to Geoff Tate and Bruce Dickinson.

I don't listen to metal to hear the words. I listen because the instruments kick ****ing *** and are nice and FAST and go well with my pushups and punching stuff and the blowing off of steam.
I like fast music, but lyrical content is also important to me. I got into Metallica while in the Marines, and Disposable Heroes off of Master of Puppets just struck a chord (no pun intended) with me. Then again, there are times when I like silly lyrics, like GWAR or Scatterbrain.

When I want specifically to hear "METAL", and I hear a group whose very name, METALlica, implies by its existence that they are the kings of METAL, and then they give me country, I'm gonna get pissed off.

They all must either abandon this apostate's path, or else change their name to Countryica, or at least surrender the name "Metallica".

Any rights they had to be called "METAL" they have lost until they atone.
By that logic, Sabbath should just pack it after putting out stuff like Changes and Evil Woman. Or Anthrax after Bring The Noize. Or Megadeth after Crush 'Em. Or Slayer after they did a tour sponsored by Hot Topic.
A few more bands to throw out there:
Corrosion of Conformity. Got into them after seeing the video for Vote With a Bullet. They've gotten a bit mellower in later albums.
Crisis. I picked up a few CDs after hearing them on the Strangeland soundtrack. Karen Crisis has an a amazing range, and can do a growl that would make Cavalera jealous.
CARV. A friend of mine turned me on to these guys. They have a similar sound to Mudvayne and Slipknot. They're from Boston, I believe.
there are quite a few metal band that have great singers (dio comes to mind), but i don't think metallica will ever be one of them. like andy said, it's just a matter of style. i have always been annoyed by how hetfield ends most lines with "-ah!" "and the dust in throat i crave-ah!/ only knowledge will i save-ah!" anyway, to each his own.

so how is hot topic commercial???? they sell tapout clothing, you know!:uhyeah:

I guess this is gonna just have to be one of those stylistic preference things where you and I differ, but the way I see it. "singing lessons" and people who come to metal to hear melodious voices and graceful songs are, plain and simply, missing the entire point of "METAL".

There are groups I like I can't even understand what they say without a lyric sheet.



The point.

I don't listen to metal to hear the words. I listen because the instruments kick ****ing *** and are nice and FAST and go well with my pushups and punching stuff and the blowing off of steam.

And again, there are exceptions, such as Nightwish, who have a singer with a beautiful voice, but again, I ain't listening to her, I'm all about the score.

So yes.

When I want specifically to hear "METAL", and I hear a group whose very name, METALlica, implies by its existence that they are the kings of METAL, and then they give me country, I'm gonna get pissed off.

They all must either abandon this apostate's path, or else change their name to Countryica, or at least surrender the name "Metallica".

Any rights they had to be called "METAL" they have lost until they atone.
Amen to that! :uhyeah::ultracool

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