Senior Master
Er, I was there. Def Leppard were part of it, as were other bands we haven't yet mentioned, like Magnum. Terms appear to have changed their meaning over the past three decades and in their transition over the Atlantic
well i know you were there, sukerkin, but that doesn't make the idea more surprising to me. apologies if i implied otherwise :asian:. of course we'll have different perspectives because i was playing catch-up on music at the age of 12, plus i was in the middle of kansas. so when i discovered rock 'n' roll, i soaked up as many bands as i could & really didn't have much information on them. i just knew i liked it. coming from that perspective, as a kid just listening to everything he could, i never grouped def leppard in my head as part of NWOBM or even metal for that matter. i just thought of them as a hard rock band that had more in common with poison or skid row than with venom. & there's nothing wrong with that; i listened to skid row & bang tango & all that stuf too, i just never liked def leppard or thought of them as metal.