The gun thing

Originally posted by Kirk

Ugh, here we go again. I didn't intend on making it sound
disrespectful. I didn't intend on making it seem like a pissing
contest. I thought I was giving my opinion, and that's
it, but apparently I'm not. Sorry to write in such a way that
my opinion makes me sound rude/disrespectful/pissing contestant
and what have you. Hell, I wasn't even heated. I'll avoid this
thread from now on.

Look man, I'm not sayin your should leave this thread. I enjoy yoru input, it just seemed that you were getting a little disrespectful so I let you know. I'm very up front like that, if you piss me off, I'm gonna tell you. I expect the same from my friends. Thats why I posted what I did. The fact that we have differing opinions, but can still post together and respond to each other formaly, is what makes us in control of ourselves. I feel that is a big part of martial arts as well. So, if I offended you, I'm truly sorry, I just felt disrespect and wanted to let you know. No hard feelings, that can happen when people are passionate about things and are discussing them. So please, come back and post man, you have great insight that we miss if your gone! We can even get beyond this topic since we are getting stuck on it.


It is not a moral judgement call.

It is a situation assessment call.

It is your life, if you judged that you were not at risk, that was your call.

My question is how did you know they were not armed? If you wait for them to draw first.......... :)

Most people would judge differently. Your life, your call . :)

As for the legality concerning the use of firearm in Texas, there seems to be 2 versions now lol. I don't live in Texas, so I have no idea.

The thing is how the heck you 2 Texans took the course and came out with 2 different versions of the gun law? lol
Originally posted by 7starmantis

Look man, I'm not sayin your should leave this thread. I enjoy yoru input, it just seemed that you were getting a little disrespectful so I let you know. I'm very up front like that, if you piss me off, I'm gonna tell you. I expect the same from my friends. Thats why I posted what I did. The fact that we have differing opinions, but can still post together and respond to each other formaly, is what makes us in control of ourselves. I feel that is a big part of martial arts as well. So, if I offended you, I'm truly sorry, I just felt disrespect and wanted to let you know. No hard feelings, that can happen when people are passionate about things and are discussing them. So please, come back and post man, you have great insight that we miss if your gone! We can even get beyond this topic since we are getting stuck on it.


Seriously dude, show me where i was disrespectful? I expressed
my opinions on the matter, and then you throw accusations at
me. And then had to go with the old "aren't you a moderator" bit
too! I soooooo should drop this, but I'd REALLY like to know.
Apparently I'm disrespectful/rude on this board a LOT where I
think I'm expressing my opinion. PLEASE show me.

If you do piss him off, al least you know he's not going to shoot you.

But all and all that is what this great country of ours is founded on. We all have choices and we can all speak our minds and learn from each other.


"Have gun, Will travel"

Kirk, redfive and Kenneth's POV would, as I understand it, be legally correct in KY. Six versus one would certainly making drawing a firearm an appropriate response.
Just throwin' in my two cents. Take care.
Originally posted by Radhnoti


Kirk, redfive and Kenneth's POV would, as I understand it, be legally correct in KY. Six versus one would certainly making drawing a firearm an appropriate response.
Just throwin' in my two cents. Take care.

Thanks Radhnoti, and welcome to Martial Talk!
Originally posted by Radhnoti


Kirk, redfive and Kenneth's POV would, as I understand it, be legally correct in KY. Six versus one would certainly making drawing a firearm an appropriate response.
Just throwin' in my two cents. Take care.

I do think drawing your weapon during this situation is appropriate, I didn't say it wasn't, I was just saying that in the particular incident, I personaly didn't feel the need. Thats all. And we were speaking of Texas laws. But thanks for your input, and welcome to the boards.

Note that 7starmantis and I were each told something different
by law enforcement officials, our own permit classes and
attornies. If you live in Texas, I suggest asking these questions,
if ever interested in carrying a concealed weapon in our state.
Originally posted by redfive
So if someone does mock your martial arts and says that he could shoot you, put him to the test, give him a practice gun and tell him to draw on you, when you start to close in on him. Start at about 10-15 feet. Its great practice for both of you and alot can be learned. Its best if you use a bb gun pistol or something that has a real trigger to pull.

Gun defenses can also be done with a water pistol filled with ink, but make sure you use eye protection and a older uniform, or one of those toy guns that shoots the rubber darts. But remember that a real bullet from a gun is a whole hell of a lot faster then either of these.

BTW, my point on guns is that even though I have no use for them, I do not have any problem with people with guns as long as they are responsible and well trained.
Originally posted by nightingale8472

there's stuff you can get at Toys R Us or a joke store. its disappearing ink. and the ink really does disappear... I shot my mom's peach silk dress when I was a kid...she freaked, but by the time she got to the mirror to assess the damage, the ink was gone. Its safe, so you don't have to worry about eye protection, and the ink will come out of your uniform.

I've trained with that before, it really good to use. HAHA, and fun too! especially if you shoot someone around you and watch them freak out! (evil laugh). ANYWAY, remember to get a good solid gun though, we kept breaking ours.


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