The gun thing

I'm looking for a revolver rather than a semi-auto. Revolvers are less likely to jam, and I'd probably only have time for one shot.
That is fine. As even a revolver has sufficient ammo to double tap 3 attackers. lol You have to be a fast shooter to take out 3 attackers with 2 shots each.

But the assertion that a revolver is more reliable than an semi-auto is no longer valid. The semi auto has been field tested and battle tested with millions of shots fired. The relaibility issue no longer exists. Unless of course if you are talking about some cheap copycat fake made in Egypt or Pakistan lol

Even with a revolver, you still face the same DAO vs SA, caliber, and ammo type issues.

Wish you the Best with your endeavour.
Originally posted by tmanifold

I mean I think I could kill if need be (see the article on my site entitled Am I able to kill) but I don't think it is something I would want to do if i had any other choice.

Funny, most people agree with that last comment. What with it being murder and all....;)
"Bah, Glocks are for thugs who participate in drive-by shootings as they need 20 or so bullets because they can't aim. A real gun is at least .45"

My uncle carried a .45 and my aunt carries a glock, my uncle ways about 190 and my aunt ways about 120. Diffrent strokes for diffrent folks.

7sm, Personaly I disagree with the idea that martial arts is about not having to fight, maybe specific martial arts are, but in my opinion the one thing all MA have in common is that we all train to fight. In my view if you train hand gun use to an art form it is a modern martial art. There are some people who do this but not many, most people just see it is a tool and if it can serve it's purpose than that is all that is nessisary, but if you put the time and effort in anything used for combat in my opinion is most deffenatly a martial art, wether it's a soldier or a civilian wether it's for fist, knife, sword or gun.
Martial Arts is for self defence only? I'm glad our military does not think like that. If thats what a Martial Artist does then I guess I'm not one. If I watch a guy hit three people in front of me, then he gets to me. I'm not going to weight for him to throw a punch at me. I'm going to hit him first and I 'm going to be proud that I did, and will loose no sleep over it. As for a guy putting A gun at my head, well I don't care about statistics and what the latest pole about people with guns says that he should do, or is most likely to do. I'm going to take it away and I'm going to hurt him very badly, same with a knife. Why? BECOUSE I CAN. I have trained in combat systems sence I was 14 and I'm now 32. I have faith in what I know and I have faith in my instructors words and experiance. If I just gave my wallet to some punk *** kid on the street with a knife or some other weapon, then I would not be able to sleep at night. Everyone seems to have to much faith in the bad guys. Maybe we should just stop practicing our arts and go train with all the drugy drop out pieces of crap that walk the streets at night. It seems that every one thinks that they are the real bad asses. I work hard for what I'v got and by god I'm going to keep it. And as for shooting someone, if I had to and I know it has to be done and It will save my life and the lives of others. Then hell ya. "Fill your hands with iron you sons of B****s" And if the guy dies, well again I will loose know sleep over it. I'm alive. We live in a time that you can nolonger ask your self the question, is he going to kill me our not. Always asume he is . Hesatation will get you killed for sure. We are dealing with people now that have no regard for there lives or the lives of others. Alot of the bad guys wont to die. Thats the differance between a good guy and a bad guy. they don't care about life, we do. So I think every one needs to look into the real history of the Martial Arts. A lot of blood has been shed over the last 2000 years. One side fought in self deffence or for land, but the other used a Martial system to attack.


ps. I'v carried a gun for the last three years, and I have never pulled it. God willing I never will. And by the way it is a Glock ,It s a 40cal. a 45 is to large to carry as a concealed hand gun. leaves a big imprint.
Martial Arts is for self defence only? I'm glad our military does not think like that. If thats what a Martial Artist does then I guess I'm not one. If I watch a guy hit three people in front of me, then he gets to me. I'm not going to weight for him to throw a punch at me. I'm going to hit him first and I 'm going to be proud that I did, and will loose no sleep over it. As for a guy putting A gun at my head, well I don't care about statistics and what the latest pole about people with guns says that he should do, or is most likely to do. I'm going to take it away and I'm going to hurt him very badly, same with a knife. Why? BECOUSE I CAN. I have trained in combat systems sence I was 14 and I'm now 32. I have faith in what I know and I have faith in my instructors words and experiance. If I just gave my wallet to some punk *** kid on the street with a knife or some other weapon, then I would not be able to sleep at night. Everyone seems to have to much faith in the bad guys. Maybe we should just stop practicing our arts and go train with all the drugy drop out pieces of crap that walk the streets at night. It seems that every one thinks that they are the real bad asses. I work hard for what I'v got and by god I'm going to keep it. And as for shooting someone, if I had to and I know it has to be done and It will save my life and the lives of others. Then hell ya. "Fill your hands with iron you sons of B****s" And if the guy dies, well again I will loose know sleep over it. I'm alive. We live in a time that you can nolonger ask your self the question, is he going to kill me our not. Always asume he is . Hesatation will get you killed for sure. We are dealing with people now that have no regard for there lives or the lives of others. Alot of the bad guys wont to die. Thats the differance between a good guy and a bad guy. they don't care about life, we do. So I think every one needs to look into the real history of the Martial Arts. A lot of blood has been shed over the last 2000 years. One side fought in self deffence or for land, but the other used a Martial system to attack.

here here!!
.50 AE

You can't limp-wrist, but it can take down a moose. Not for self-defense, but in the military sense, it's very useful.
well Redfive I agree with most of what you said, but I personaly would use discretion simply because I don't want to end up in prison or have to deal with a major lawsuit, I think I would loose sleep over that.
I understand what you are saying, but if what seperates the "bad guys" form the "good guys" is that the "good guys" value life, what side does that put you on? As an ex paramedic, I value life, regardless of what that person has done. Are there times when lethal force is neccesary? Yes. Is it just very flipant and funny when someone dies? Never! Yes, I am licesnsed to carry as well as my wife. I've been attacked while carrying my gun, when 6 guys jumped in my car. Stupid me left the doors unlocked. I couldn't defend myself at all while in the car. I got the bad end of the fight, very bad end. Then they pulled me out, as they did I knocked two of them down and put a distance inbetween me and them. A distance perfect for drawing my weapon. But I didn't draw the weapon, they charged me all at once, it took quite a while to evade, and then attack one guy, evade, then attack another, but after what seemed to be years of that incounter, the three guys left standing took off. they are now all in jail, but you know what...None of them are dead. I could have shot all of them, and been protected by the law, but then 6 20 year olds are alive and have a chance to change thier life, because of me. I think that is the nature of a "good guy".

If you drew and fired a warning shot into the air, they would have scrammed. That would have saved you a lot of work.
I think a gun can be useful but if you carry a gun and get into an altercation some one will use that gun, it is almost inevitable. Police officers often have this problem, they go for their gun instead of just hitting some one when that is the better response. It can be both a hindrance or a useful tool.

Originally posted by KennethKu

If you drew and fired a warning shot into the air, they would have scrammed. That would have saved you a lot of work.

Would have saved me work, but landed me in jail. At least in the great state of Texas, if you even show your concieled handgun without the use of deadly force being used, or warrented, you go to jail. If you fire a round, anywhere, regardless, you go to jail. You can't just pull your gun and wave it around. It is there only for the time when lethal force is most decidedly needed. And for those times only.

6 guys attacking you, attempting to carjack you, and you don't think that is a justifiable use of deadly force? (Besides, you would be firing a warning shot, hardly a use of deadly force) That makes no sense what so ever. By your logic, it is "Hey , come on ,you jackass, you draw first, otherwise I can't shoot you. Come on, draw please!!!"

You wanna wait till they pull a blade or a gun first?

Heck , by your account there, if they were armed with a knive or a gun, the outcome would be a lot different.

The legal test is "reasonable belief that one is facing immediate danger to one's life " . Being attack by 6 carjacking thugs, passes that test in flying color.
Originally posted by 7starmantis

Would have saved me work, but landed me in jail. At least in the great state of Texas, if you even show your concieled handgun without the use of deadly force being used, or warrented, you go to jail. If you fire a round, anywhere, regardless, you go to jail. You can't just pull your gun and wave it around. It is there only for the time when lethal force is most decidedly needed. And for those times only.


Dude, that is so NOT true! I don't begrudge you your own
misinformation, but you're spreading them on this board!
Go take that course again! Everything you say that's law here
is not only the OPPOSITE of things I was told in MY course, but
I've also asked law enforcement officers about it, to validate my
suspicions. On THIS one ... I'VE DONE IT! And my life wasn't
being threatened either. When I told the cops I fired in the air,
they laughed!!!!! They said the worst I could've been charged
with was "unlawful discharge of a firearm in the city limits" ... a
Class C misdemeanor! A.k.a. a TICKET, not a visit to the local
Originally posted by Kirk

Dude, that is so NOT true! I don't begrudge you your own
misinformation, but you're spreading them on this board!
Go take that course again! Everything you say that's law here
is not only the OPPOSITE of things I was told in MY course, but
I've also asked law enforcement officers about it, to validate my
suspicions. On THIS one ... I'VE DONE IT! And my life wasn't
being threatened either. When I told the cops I fired in the air,
they laughed!!!!! They said the worst I could've been charged
with was "unlawful discharge of a firearm in the city limits" ... a
Class C misdemeanor! A.k.a. a TICKET, not a visit to the local

Hey man, there is no need to get testy, the informatin I am giving is from three different sources in law enforcement. The Chief of Police in Chandler Texas, The Sherif of Smith County, and my family attourney, Harry Fulton, who also happens to be my uncle. If we have been given different information I'm sorry, but there really is no need for you to jump my case like this. Lets try and keep this board about respect. As adults we can have differing opinions and still communicate peacfully. I don't doubt that some, even most cops would laugh if you shot your gun in the air, but the law states it illegal. If you show your gun beyond resonable mistake in public, you are breaking the law. If you would like, I will go find all my old law books and look up the specific law for you case and number. However, I don't think this is the place for us to get in a "pissing" contest. If you feel comfortable shooting your gun in the air with no thought of where that bullet will land, thats your perogative. My perogative is speak my opinion and have my own beliefs. You shouldn't be jumping on me for speaking them. Aren't you a moderator of this board ?

Originally posted by KennethKu

6 guys attacking you, attempting to carjack you, and you don't think that is a justifiable use of deadly force? (Besides, you would be firing a warning shot, hardly a use of deadly force) That makes no sense what so ever. By your logic, it is "Hey , come on ,you jackass, you draw first, otherwise I can't shoot you. Come on, draw please!!!"

You wanna wait till they pull a blade or a gun first?

Heck , by your account there, if they were armed with a knive or a gun, the outcome would be a lot different.

The legal test is "reasonable belief that one is facing immediate danger to one's life " . Being attack by 6 carjacking thugs, passes that test in flying color.

Thats fine nad of course your opinion. No one can judge the "feeling" of an incounter without being in that encounter. I didn't feel my life was in danger. Also, they did not have weapons, had they been armed the situation would most deffinatly have been different. I don't think this is the place to get into moral beliefs on when it is correct to end someones life, we have differing opinions, and thats ok. I'm not going to pull my weapon just to scare them that is wrong and against the law. If I felt my life was in danger, I would have used said force, but I just didn't feel it was necesary. Me getting my butt kicked is not justifiable means to end a life, as far as I'm concerned. I understand that I am alone in that belief and thats fine, but lets not get into a discussion that will pull us away from the topic here.

ya , I'm sure they have realy changed there lives, they went to jail and now they are realy pissed off at society and will probably go about there live of crime, except they now have the chance to realy kill someone. You have more faith in people thin I do. I would have at least shot one, he would be the example for the rest. They did not care about your life any, you just gave them more opertunity to kill you. So If I where you, which I'm not, I would leave your gun at home, becouse it seems to be dead weight. But we most likely have seen different things in life, and I to have seen a lot of needless death. God gave me the gift of life and I will keep it at all cost, until he tells me other wise.Agian as for takeing a life, it is a bad deal. If I did kill someone it would saden me., becouse it is a waste of life. But you have to figure how many people have those guys attacked before they attacked you, and got away with it. So if someone wonts to kill you, no telling how many people they did kill before you and no telling how many more they will kill, if you dont stop them. If you have the ability then we need to use it for those who cant. The police are not there to protect you, there job is to inforce the structure of the law once it has been broke. And if I do get sued or for some reason do go to jail, either way I am alive.
Originally posted by 7starmantis

Hey man, there is no need to get testy, the informatin I am giving is from three different sources in law enforcement. The Chief of Police in Chandler Texas, The Sherif of Smith County, and my family attourney, Harry Fulton, who also happens to be my uncle. If we have been given different information I'm sorry, but there really is no need for you to jump my case like this. Lets try and keep this board about respect. As adults we can have differing opinions and still communicate peacfully. I don't doubt that some, even most cops would laugh if you shot your gun in the air, but the law states it illegal. If you show your gun beyond resonable mistake in public, you are breaking the law. If you would like, I will go find all my old law books and look up the specific law for you case and number. However, I don't think this is the place for us to get in a "pissing" contest. If you feel comfortable shooting your gun in the air with no thought of where that bullet will land, thats your perogative. My perogative is speak my opinion and have my own beliefs. You shouldn't be jumping on me for speaking them. Aren't you a moderator of this board ?


Ugh, here we go again. I didn't intend on making it sound
disrespectful. I didn't intend on making it seem like a pissing
contest. I thought I was giving my opinion, and that's
it, but apparently I'm not. Sorry to write in such a way that
my opinion makes me sound rude/disrespectful/pissing contestant
and what have you. Hell, I wasn't even heated. I'll avoid this
thread from now on.
Originally posted by redfive

ya , I'm sure they have realy changed there lives, they went to jail and now they are realy pissed off at society and will probably go about there live of crime, except they now have the chance to realy kill someone. You have more faith in people thin I do. I would have at least shot one, he would be the example for the rest. They did not care about your life any, you just gave them more opertunity to kill you. So If I where you, which I'm not, I would leave your gun at home, becouse it seems to be dead weight. But we most likely have seen different things in life, and I to have seen a lot of needless death. God gave me the gift of life and I will keep it at all cost, until he tells me other wise.Agian as for takeing a life, it is a bad deal. If I did kill someone it would saden me., becouse it is a waste of life. But you have to figure how many people have those guys attacked before they attacked you, and got away with it. So if someone wonts to kill you, no telling how many people they did kill before you and no telling how many more they will kill, if you dont stop them. If you have the ability then we need to use it for those who cant. The police are not there to protect you, there job is to inforce the structure of the law once it has been broke. And if I do get sued or for some reason do go to jail, either way I am alive.

Well, actually one of them is now a social worker for the state, so his life was changed. The others I couldn't tell you about. But, I just don't feel that we have the right to decide a persons future for them. You and I wouldn't like it if someone decided ours for us. I have seen more needless death than most having worked most of my life as a paramedic in one of the largest cities in america. I'm not tryin to say you shouldn't use lethal force when neccesary, I'm just saying its not as neccesary as people belive it is. You said that there is no telling how many people they attacked before me, or will attack after me, so I should stop them when I have the chance. Thats exactly what I did. I put them into the legal system and now if they so much as start a fight, they will most likely end back up in jail. We have no right to decide someone future like that. Thats why we have courts and such. The police ARE there to protect, "To Serve and Protect". I don' thave the right to say, well they may attack someone else so, BANG, I ended there life. That makes me just as bad as them.


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