Originally posted by KenpoDragon
PLEASE....tell me that you are not referring to Rickson Gracie!!!! If you are, then what about Wallid Ismail, or Kazushi Sakuraba??? Both of which destroyed the Gracies. All of the, this guy would beat that guy stuff is ridiculous. We don't know who would beat who, because they never did fight. All of that is simply opinion, not fact.We would not be able to say who would beat who, because it never happened, Bruce Lee has been gone for many years, when he was alive Rickson Gracie was just a kid. I'm pretty sure Bruce would have destroyed him. Who is the greatest martial artist??? The answer is "Man". From the beginning of time "men" have created more efficient ways of killing each other. Now we don't even have to look at our opponents or even be near them, we can shoot missiles at them from across the sea. To credit one man with being the "greatest" would not be fair. After all if you say that Rickson Gracie is the greatest, then what about his father??? Didn't his father teach him, wouldn't that make his father better??? What about the guy who taught his father, wouldn't that make him better than him??? So on and so on, it would never end. The only way to do it is if we could somehow resurrect the dead martial artists and make it so they were able to fight at their prime (age,weight,strength,speed,knowledge) and put them against the present "great" martial artists, and have them all fight against each other until somebody was left standing. Oh wait....I forgot somebody already did that, it's called MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (CUE THE MUSIC)
:karate: :mst: :samurai: :ninja: :boxing: :duel: