Those of us who see this are only going to read "I know a guy who knows a guy," but I think you already know that.
But, to be fair, what they're saying of Bruce Lee isn't superlative. There are many people we know personally that we can say that about.
You’re right, there are.
All good points. And, again, you’re right, it is a “I know a guy who knows a guy” opinion.
But it depends on the guy, how well you know the guy, and if said guy is in any way, shape or form competent in Martial Arts.
For instance, Wally Jay was well known Martial Artist. I spent some time training with Wally. A week here, couple weeks there, few more over there, been to week long camps, seminars, been to one of his birthday parties, blah blah blah.
Knew Wally’s wife, Bernice, too. She was also a very good Martial Artist. One day I was talking with her and I asked her about Bruce Lee.
She said (I paraphrase) “He was a nice boy, but, oh, what a mess he used to make at the house. Him and Wally.”
Wally Jay had a nice gym in his basement. Mats, bags, fighting stuff.
Bernice continued to say, “But when Bruce would come over, would they go downstairs? Oh no, they would work out right there in my living room.”
Then she digs through her bag, grabs her purse, takes out her wallet and gets out a black and white photo.
It’s in her living room. There’s Wally and Bruce, soaking wet with sweat, smiling. The couch and chairs are pushed against the walls, the rug is shoved into a doorway, coffee table is tipped over, a lamp is broken, two others are tipped over on the floor, the pictures on the wall are crooked, one of them has a cracked glass.
Bernice said, “I told them, neither one of you eat or leave until you clean this mess up.” Then she told me that a few weeks later she came home and could hear crashing in her living room as she got out of her car in the driveway. Because “they were at it again.”
That was probably the coolest photo I’ve ever seen concerning the arts.
Wally told me, “Bruce was one hell of a good fighter. I’m glad he had good control.”
Another “I know a guy who knows a guy”story….
Joe Lewis was one of my instructors. Scary strong man. I’m used to strong people, but he was another level strong. He was also extremely articulate.
When he would come to New England, he would stay at my house on occasion, we had a guest room.
We’d stay up most of the night talking chop. (A term from my neighborhood meaning talking about fighting)
I asked him more than a few times about Bruce Lee. Joe didn’t like him at first. But after working out with him they got along. Joe told me, “He was a strong little man. Much stronger than you’d anticipate. And he was very fast. Faster than I was. (Joe, despite being a heavyweight, was the fastest Martial Artist I’ve ever worked out with. Maybe ever seen. Damn, brother, he could close distance SO fast, and kick and punch even faster.
Joe told me, “Bruce could take a shot as well. And he hit hard. He could flat out fight. Anyone who says he couldn’t, never worked out with him. They obviously never sparred with him.”
Anyway, that’s part of the story and I’m sticking to it.