You are making one assumption: that they want your different way of living.
Then so be it. Why do our soldiers have to be the guys with the guns telling others how to organize their lives? What would you do if some folks rampaged down your neighborhood killed some friends and family members and then told you that you couldn't live your sinful wasteful consumptive lifestyle because you were killing the Earth?
It's that simple. Plenty of people think American Pigs are wrecking the Earth for future generations. Plenty of people think that the way the Afghans want to organize their lives is terrible. I disagree with the sentiment that one group of people should be allowed to enforce their way of life on another group of people via the rifle.
If you value freedom at all, then you must be willing to accept that people are going to make choices that are different from yours. If you value freedom and you disagree with someones choices, then you have the freedom to choose NOT to have anything to do with that group of people. I do not believe that social change needs to birthed in a pool of blood.