I’d agree with C.B. Jones that you need to make a distinction on your site between weapon training you are offering for combatives vs performance based weapon twirling. The former should be based on effectiveness in fighting. The latter is essentially the equivalent of majorette baton twirling, just more socially acceptable for guys. (That’s not really a criticism. Baton twirling is fun and involves genuine skill and guys should be able to be majorettes. It’s just important not to confuse it with actual weapon usage.)
I haven’t seen any of your material on firearms or mace. For all I know you are totally knowledgeable in those areas. However the weapon use you show in the video does not reflect understanding of effective combative use of those weapons.
Obviously, weapons are a major force multiplier, so even a completely untrained person could potentially inflict injury or even death just by waving their weapon around randomly. By “effective combative use”, I mean the ability to deploy a weapon, inflict the maximum damage with the minimum effort, while making it as hard as possible for an armed opponent to effectively attack you with their own weapon. I know you are limited in the specifics of what you can show by demonstrating solo, but your grips, your body mechanics, your stances, the paths of your swings, etc, are not in line with that sort of combative use.