The "Effectiveness Question" Again...

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where's the rule that says I have to do that? Until you show me one I'll keep talking as much as I want and have a good time doing it

Then you're clearly not an adult. Both for the reason that I stated, and for the fact that you're admitting right here that you're not going to behave the way you should without someone in a position of authority telling you that you have to.
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LOL, you're clearly ignorant of what's going with most of these guys.

As an FYI, I lived the first nine years of my life in public housing, and lived in neighborhoods where the majority received some form of public assistance until I joined the Navy at the age of 20.

I can tell you for a fact that the majority of the dudes who are known to have "got dem hands" aren't training at boxing gym or any other formal setting for that matter.
I really don't know why any of where you lived or when you joined the navy matters to anything but okay cool I guess.

In your area maybe not but I've travelled and worked in a lot of areas and there's a large number that does train and get in fights especially these days when martial arts are more readily available then back in say the 60s or 70s
I really don't know why any of where you lived or when you joined the navy matters to anything but okay cool I guess.

In your area maybe not but I've travelled and worked in a lot of areas and there's a large number that does train and get in fights especially these days when martial arts are more readily available then back in say the 60s or 70s

The ready availability means nothing to those that don't have the $100 - $200 a month to pay for it.
Then you're clearly not adult. Both for the reason that I stated, and the for the fact that you're admitting right here that you're not behave the way you should without someone in a position of authority telling you that you have to.
Lol you're a funny guy. The way I SHOULD act...says who you? Lol why would I act in a certain way just because some guy I don't know says that's how I should act. Lol I'm not one of those who bows down and just takes what people says.i do what I believe is right for me and don't care what anyone has to say about me. So if you want start trying to tell how I should be acting I'm not going to listen to a word you say
Lol you're a funny guy. The way I SHOULD act...says who you? Lol why would I act in a certain way just because some guy I don't know says that's how I should act. Lol I'm not one of those who bows down and just takes what people says.i do what I believe is right for me and don't care what anyone has to say about me. So if you want start trying to tell how I should be acting I'm not going to listen to a word you say

Translation: "You can't tell me what to do! You're not the boss of me!"

Just like a child.
Sooooo you think dudes on the street are training?
your using the term '' on the street'' like it has some defined meaning.

if you mean people whos well being/safety profession is helped considerably by '' training'' then yes a good number are, a considerable number of people training hitting punch bags and or lifting weights. then can usually punch hard and true and are well above averagely strong, both of which helps considerably
Because in sports you play the game. You listen to the referee you stop when the time runs out you don't foul. You get a 1 minute rest period and the match is stopped if you get hurt to badly

In the real world you do what you want. You don't get a 5 minute rest period if you get kicked in the nuts or poked in the eye. You can't look to the ref to save you and call in a doctor to make sure you're okay. You're not fighting a man the same size as you. I've witnessed hundreds of street fights working on the nightclub doors and never do they like a Conor McGregor highlight reel or a Muhammad Ali match. Go look around online. Real fights don't look anything like sports
Not if the guys fighting aren't trained they don't. Which, most people(including most 'martial artists') are not.

So yes, it naturally follows that most fights will look like clumsy spastic flailfests...

...because the people involved are just winging it.
"got dem hands"

I assume that's American slang for something?

Actual fights in streets are usually just brawls by drunk idiots, people like to say they 'street fight' because it makes them sound hard. One can be a brawler ( not necessarily a derogatory term) or one can be a bare knuckle fighter, we have a lot of them around, even have proper fight nights as well as the car park gypsy/traveller arranged fights. then there's the football lot, out for a fight, some train some don't. 'Street' fights though are a term that actually doesn't mean anything.
I assume that's American slang for something?

I try to avoid saying "street fight," because it implies that something more than an unarmed one-on-one fight can occur, or is occurring.

When we say that someone has "got dem hands," we mean that they're very skilled and talented with the fists - whether they're trained in a martial art or not.
I assume that's American slang for something?

Actual fights in streets are usually just brawls by drunk idiots, people like to say they 'street fight' because it makes them sound hard. One can be a brawler ( not necessarily a derogatory term) or one can be a bare knuckle fighter, we have a lot of them around, even have proper fight nights as well as the car park gypsy/traveller arranged fights. then there's the football lot, out for a fight, some train some don't. 'Street' fights though are a term that actually doesn't mean anything.
I think it's just people trying to sound cool by intentially mispelling the word them...I think they think it makes them sound cool....but to me it makes them sound stupid
Not if the guys fighting aren't trained they don't. Which, most people(including most 'martial artists') are not.

So yes, it naturally follows that most fights will look like clumsy spastic flailfests...

...because the people involved are just winging it.
A bit unrelated but since your big into Mma and real did bj penns last street fight end up?....that's all I have to say....guy tried to be Ali and showboat and got put down. Guys just lucky he didn't get his head stomped on
I try to avoid saying "street fight," because it implies that something more than an unarmed one-on-one fight can occur, or is occurring.

When we say that someone has "got dem hands," we mean that they're very skilled and talented with the fists - whether they're trained in a martial art or not.

Thank you for the explanation, there's quite a few non Americans on this site so slang terms aren't such a good idea, confuses the issue.

I've seen a lot of fights between random strangers, perhaps you have even been down Union Street in Plymouth ( Raleigh and Drake's home port) lol, civilians like to take on the Royal Marines. Where I am the local civvies like to take on the squaddies, sometimes the squaddies take on other squaddies if they are different regiments or corps. I've had the pleasure of breaking up a few of them.

When people say 'street fight' to me it sounds pretentious, people trying to make out they are something they aren't. Besides, Street is a very nice town in the south west of the UK, they rarely have fights.
A bit unrelated but since your big into Mma and real did bj penns last street fight end up?....that's all I have to say....guy tried to be Ali and showboat and got put down. Guys just lucky he didn't get his head stomped on
BJ Penn has been washed up for many years, and was never a top level striker, or even a good one.

So you are saying basically that because an older man with brain damage can get sucker punched by a man that that outweighs him by 50 pounds that means fight training doesn't work, and fights are just luck?
BJ Penn has been washed up for many years, and was never a top level striker, or even a good one.

So you are saying basically that because an older man with brain damage can get sucker punched by a man that that outweighs him by 50 pounds that means fight training doesn't work, and fights are just luck?
I dont think getting punched in the face after putting your hands down and yelling come on hit me counts as a sucker punch
Sooooo you think dudes on the street are training?
Yes I do. Not in the formal classroom sense but they are training, even it that means getting beat on for years.
I know nothing about the person you are talking about but I would be my life savings that he was Not suddenly good at fighting. He was conditioned (trained) somehow. Sure, maybe it was not formal but he was trained.
Lol you're a funny guy. The way I SHOULD act...says who you? Lol why would I act in a certain way just because some guy I don't know says that's how I should act. Lol I'm not one of those who bows down and just takes what people says.i do what I believe is right for me and don't care what anyone has to say about me. So if you want start trying to tell how I should be acting I'm not going to listen to a word you say

It is not whether you should act one way or the other but without evidence your statement isn't true.

Hitchens's razor is an epistemological razorexpressed by writer Christopher Hitchens, asserting that the burden of proof regarding the truthfulness of a claim lies with the one who makes the claim; if this burden is not met, then the claim is unfounded, and its opponents need not argue further in order to dismiss it.

Hitchens has phrased the razor in writing as "What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence."
Why wouldn't they be? You seem to have this silly idea just because they get in street fights that means they don't train?....they can easily train boxing or whatever during the week then go out and get in street fights at the weekend. There was a guy in my area who was a Muay Thai who was known for it. Getting drunk and picking fights. The real world isn't a karate kid movie where all martial artists are saints and believe in peace and love
If the guy was getting in enough 'street' fights to get some of them on video, I say he was getting a Lot of training.
Sooooo you think dudes on the street are training?

Ok. Terms like street and self defense are called weasel words and will get dismissed as too vague when it suits people. It is a clever but dishonest strategy to market a product.

Then the same people will get upset if you mention they are using weasel words.

In other words you are basically getting badly trolled by people who think they are being clever.

This is a very common martial arts thing because it ties in to the ineffable and mysterious rubbish martial artists quite often want to project.

Ultimately if someone is engaging in this sort of rubbish it is a red flag regarding their martial arts.
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