The Drifting Argument Thread

Bacon, chicken, turtles....what the hell does any of that have to do with the word kibosh?

I thought I would check in to see what the topic was. Bacon, Chicken, and Turtles....

You just CAN'T stay on topic...CAN YOU!!!!
TURTLES!!! Just who the heck do you think you are going off topic to turtles..... unless you were referring to the chocolate and peanut turtles...that would be ok...BUT THAT'S IT!!!!!
You just CAN'T stay on topic...CAN YOU!!!!
TURTLES!!! Just who the heck do you think you are going off topic to turtles..... unless you were referring to the chocolate and peanut turtles...that would be ok...BUT THAT'S IT!!!!!
Those go well with bacon.
Doom and a bacon sammidge.

Retro Thursday night.

retro...... retro rockets....rockets..... rocket...guardians of the galaxy....galaxy...... a long time ago in a galaxy far far away......far away....nickelback....nickel..... HEY!!!!! You still owe me a nickel......
Let's get back on topic, shall we?

Tames, one look at your post and this guy went a runnin'!


I think there was bacon in the water. Perhaps kumquats.
OK....wanna go with Bacon do ya....that greasy, overly salted, high blood pressure causing, coronary asked for brought this on yourselves you know..... so don't come cryin' to me

TOFU...which is good


Tofu Donuts...I'd like to try


and ..... Tofu Bacon

And it still tastes horrible...BECAUSE IT IS LIKE BACON!!!!
Not surprised, it's got tofu in it...

WRONG!!!!! it tastes bad because it attempts to mimmic Bacon.... which is disgusting...horrible....awful....nasty....bad...bad....

Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone

George Thorogood
