Fing Fang Foom
Green Belt

Glad to see you have all returned for the 3rd part of our newly born Newsletter. After some 'introspection' as suggested here, I have put down the bottle of my Madarin Vodka and tonight I am only using my "cold mountin cooler" to keep my pilot light lit :lol:
As always, we sincerely Hope you enjoy the show

Once again all 64 1/2 of our staff members thought long and hard about who should win this week. They looked for posts that were: provoking, humorous, or just generally create good amounts of blah blah blah'. This weeks COVETED award goes to:
Congrats Manny! He won this week with his great posts: "I am deisappointed, adaptation, and The Worst Blow"! Great job as always my man; An offical "no-prize" is headed for your mailbox!


~ Part 11 ~
The Annual Pinic, The answer to "the Question", and Lil' Tiger's New 'boyfriend'??!
Well this week started off with a giant pinic on Saturday. I guess the Dojang(s) all under the same GM hold an annual summer get together...well there was like 300 people there! I assumed that not everyone showed up, but probably around 1/2 of the students/familys... So WOW there is most likely around 500 students in 'our system'. I think when I retire from the military I need to open my own LOL. One Hundred bucks a month x500 is some pretty good cash

Seriously it was a great turn out, and Lil' Tiger and Dragon Kid and the rest of us had a Great time! There was a ton of food of all kinds from hot dogs to kimchee, and there was a bunch of group activities to keep all the kids occupied and happy. The GM even gave out a bunch of school supplies to all the younger students K-12, and the kids loved them. Kudo's to the GM and all the instructors for putting together a truely injoyable day

As far as Dragon Kid is concerned I am sure you are all wondering what her "answer" was to the BB club question... Well the truth of the matter was; She never had to answer! They mentioned it one time to her on Monday that they thought it would be good for her... but that was it! I had told them it was totally her decision and I guess it was left at that. No high pressure nagging from them at all... this has made me pretty happy

Now on to Lil' Tiger! She started off her week of TKD on Tuesday... Her instructor's main focus of the day was "Paying attention". I thought to myself, oh crap, she is gonna fail this lesson fo sho! :lol: But to my suprise she did very very very well. I was so shocked on how well she sat in one place for so long (a half an hour to her is an eternity). Nothing special happened, but she did show daddy she was a very good girl sometimes. To my suprise there was no request for a Mexican donut this time.. She did want to get ice cream on the way home so I obliged her

Today (Thursday), she continued to do very well. I little boy from the "older kids", with his purple belt was helping out as a 'junior instructor'. Lil' Tiger was enamored by him in an instant. She did everything he did, and wanted to sit by him the whole class. Even the instructor noticed it and chuckled over her attention to him. Wow, a little young for a boyfriend...guess next class pappy's gotta bring his shotgun :lol:
Half way into the class she was told she would be an "assistant instructor" for the day! She was doing that well with her focus and skills. All the kids did well today so the instuctor let them have what he called; "a sword fight" at the end. The older boy stood to one side of the Dojang and 2 or 3 of the little ones at one time got to 'attack' him with their padded swords (the little blocker thingys attached to sticks). Lil' Tiger made me laugh to myself and she jumped right into the activity and calmly waited for openings (as the other flailed at their opponent) and then proceded to smack him in the face 2 or 3 times :lol: Thats my Lil' Tiger I thought. The instructor stressed not to do that at home to all the kids and then class was over.... Lil' Tiger didn't ask for her Mexican donut or Icecream?.... My oh my, how our little ones grow up so fast


This weeks offering has been viewed by over 11 million viewers, enjoy!

"Double Rainbow"

You are very fortunate my friend if you fall under this sign. Not only are you normally brillant, good looking, and a natural born leader...But the Ice Cream Sundae that is your life is topped off with a healthy sprinkling of modesty

Your lucky numbers this week are:

JU-MOK! continued...
Well to a follow up on proper fist and different type of strikes: we have the Chestnut fist (Bam Ju-mok). To form a chestnut fist, follow the same instruction for shaping a fist, extending the second knuckle of your third index finger outward. The chestnut fist is primary used to hit vital point and you must be precise to really be effective.
The next one is the index fist, of course this is shaped the same way as the previous ones except you extend the the second knuckle of the forefinger. Use this to hit vital points if you are not able to make a strong enough fist with the chestnut fist.
Olympic Fighters are Sissies?!
Ok enough of this lets get down to some topics of interest here on Martial Talk! That being the sissy wearing Hogu's of those Olympic fighters; or as I like to say in some circles: the bra of a fighter! Why do top quality fighters need to be protective? Point sparrers and street fighters do not need this and they get hit a lot harder than what I have seen. I mean how much protection can this really be?
I was so sure that I could stand there and take a kick from a Olympic fighter so I had a seven year old Black Belt hit me as hard as she could and I was able to take the blow and laugh afterward, so what does that tell us? I know what you are about to say that a seven year old BB should not be able to hurt a grown man and I thought you would say that. So to even go further with this I asked a 10 year old girl to hit me and I was still standing and thought; "gee is there ever going to be someone that could hit me hard?". So on a last ditch effort we got this 14 year old gentleman that wieghed like 135 lbs or so hit me. I am a big guy and have been doing martial arts for a long period of time so I knew there was no way it was going to hurt... well he bent me over and I had to throw up. That kick was like a car hitting me. I have found a new opinion about those sissy Olympic fighters. The instructor asked me if I wanted a man my size to deliver a blow and my reply was no thank you. If all you people that believe those Olympic athletes cannot generate power and need those sissy hogu's then go to a good school put one on and see if your mind does not change. I still do not like them for me but I sure did find a new perspective on them as well.
Next week we will talk about afterschool programs and the value that it brings little Johnny.
The Teacher
Hope you enjoyed this issue of Dragon's Breath! The whole staff enjoys bringing it to you each week, rather you comment on it or not :lol: As always, look forward to your input

Until next time...
Continue to Fight and Train with Heart & Fire!!!