Fing Fang Foom
Green Belt

Welcome all of you to the Very first issue of the "Dragon's Breath"!!! Fing Fang Foom and his staff of 64 are excited and priviledged to bring you this 'Weekly Newsletter'. Each week (or as close as we can get to weekly), The 'Dragon's Breath Staff' will strive to bring you the very best in humor, feel good stories, horoscopes, pictures, and hopefully some nutrition tips and of course TKD tips as well. Also; The Chronicles of Lil' Tiger will continue in these very pages!.....

......So sit back, grab a coffee, tea, or your fav adult beverage and enjoy
Each week FFF & his staff will go over all the posts here on the TKD section from the previous week. We will be looking for posts that are 'thought provoking, humorous, or just generally create good amounts of blah blah blah'. This COVETED award will be yours to keep and will be something you can cherish the rest of your life :lol:
Without further ado the very 1st winner ever is:
The G-man won this week with his great posts:
"the ATA post and the Fav Moment Post"
Congrats Bro! Make sure to display this award for all to see. (you can also remove winning this award from your 'bucket list' now)

THE CHRONICLE OF LIL' TIGER! ~ Part 9 ~ Yellow Belt, Lil' Tiger Revealed at last, and No Soup for you!
Well never fear Lil' Tiger Chronicle lovers, the Chronicles are here to stay! The other day after announcing there would be no more my phone and email were flooded with questions and tears from faithful readers. I appologize to the one inmate from the Alabama correctional facilty that I could not accept your collect call, but never fear FFF did get your email about keeping the chronicles going. :lol:
Well lets get started!
1st off, Dragon kid found out on Wednesday that she made her yellow belt!!!

I would hate to see her go from this:

....before sparing
to this:

....after sparing? :lol:
In all seriousness though, we will more then likely let her do it if she has the desire to do so.
Now on to Lil' Tiger. Her week went by really well. We continue to be very proud of her and her progression (when it comes to listening, etc). At home she has been a great little gal, and loves to help out with baby sis. Tuesday her day went great and after class she sprinted down to the Mexican Donut shop... But to my suprise, she wanted a "Mexican Muffin" instead! WOW, tears came to my eyes as I thought about how fast my Lil' Tiger was growing up :lol: She got her muffin and devoured it in record time on the way home. There were no stickers today or little pieces of tape, but she didn't seem to mind. Another thing I am proud of is that all the adults in the class always do a 'subtle bow' before and when leaving the Dojang matts. Tuesday LT did it all on her own without anyone telling her

Mom was able to catch it on film:

...Lil' Tiger gives big sis her 'evil eye'

On Thursday I have no idea what happened. She was doing great in class then the last 10 mins or so, she just reverted back to her 1st week self. She crawled when she should of walked, responded slower then the rest of the kids to the teacher's instructions, and was an all around little poop head. Well I didn't say anything to her inside the Dojang but I was steaming mad at her. I tried to think of what to say to her when we got outside, but my lack of a dollar in my pocket gave me the solution of what to do. She turned to run towards the Mexican donut shop and I scooped her up and put her in the car. She said; "My muffin! My Donut!". Once I buckled her in I said to her in a calm soft soft; "You were not being a very good girl today in class, so today I am not going to get you a muffin". She looked up at me and I expected her to start screaming and crying, but instead she said; "I don't get a muffin today, I was bad" :vu:
WOW was I shocked! She usually throws a hissy fit when she don't get something she really really wants, but on Thursday she really showed maturity in the way she realized that she did something wrong, and lived up to the punishment. Gosh I was so proud of her response I almost went and got her the Muffin anyways :lol:
Well thats it for Lil' Tiger this week, I look forward to writing more Pulse Pounding action of LT next week

Calling all "Closet Iron Chefs"!! Who out there loves to Eat or Cook? We would LOVE for you to do a weekly recipe for the Newsletter! It can be either just a recipe for something good to eat, or Even Better, You could send in recipes or nutritional tips on things to keep us healthy while we do our MA's. Are you the Next Iron Chef?? If so, Please send FFF a Private Message with your ideas. We will keep your I.D. anonymous if you wish

Each week the 'mysterious' Fing Fang Foom will look in his crystal ball and deliever a horoscope for one of asian zodiac signs. Each week will do a different sign. All for fun ya know

Year of the RAT!
I forsee that next week will be a time of learning new skills. It will also be a good week to ask for that promotion at work you deserve. Eat fish at least twice during the week, your local fish market will thank you. Avoid people with chipped teeth. What ever you do, do Not eat any Piminto Loaf Bologna! (there is a bad batch out there with your name on it). Watch an infomercial this week, you will find something useful. Pull that 'wild hair' that you see every once in a while in the mirror...You may only notice it once a month, but others have to look at it every day :lol:
Your lucky numbers next week are: 1-7-18-23-28-34
Looking for help with this section. FFF has a "staff" of 64, but sadly enuff none of us are true "masters". What we are looking for here is one of YOU out there that is at least a black belt, and perferably an instructor in the MA that we know and love. We wish to print here weekly a 'tip or two' from a true master. It could be tips on forms, weapons, self defense, or even streching. It will be totally up to YOU what you submit here. This will be YOUR section in the Newsletter and you can remain Anonymous if you wish too.
If you are interested please send a Private Message to FFF.

...Was going to put a picture of myself here, but I figured one of my twin brother was good enuff

So, there you have it... Our very first ever Dragon's Breath Newsletter! Hope you all enjoyed it, or at least got a laugh or two. Please feel free to drop a line on this thread and let us know what you thought. We are always looking for ways to make the newsletter better, so please let us know any tips or suggestions you may have. Plus, please send us your TDK related pix's for the newsletter.
Is there a section you hated?...let us know. Is there a section you wish we would add?...let us know.
Until next time...
Continue to Fight and Train with Heart & Fire!!!
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