The Chronicles of Lil' Tiger ~ Part 7 ~ The Waste of money, the sticker collection, and Dwelling on the Past!
Well, another week has gone by in the life and times of Lil' Tiger. In the last week we have had our share of up's and down's. On Sunday we went to "lakefair", which is an annual event in Washington's capitol city to celebrate...? It has rides, and tons of hippy vendors selling all sorts of 'brick-a-brack', and concerts. We went in the late evening to avoid the heat of the day. We stopped and listened to a "death metal" band that all of a sudden at 9:30pm started playing Niel Diamond music!!! Now don't get me wrong, I love a good Neil Diamond diddy, but it did catch me by suprise to hear them belting out; "...pack up the babies and grab the old ladies...", .......... Brother Love's show never had such heavy guitar riffs :lol: :lol:
Lil' Tiger in the meantime had a blast riding on the carnival rides that she was big enuff to ride on. The small roller coaster was in the form of a little tiger, which she absolutley loved and is still talking about... her fav though was a giant blow up slide... her fear of heights is non-existant as she time after time climbed the 55ft stair case and jumped down the slide... (I would post pix of her, but my account says; 'not allowed to put attachments'). We all enjoyed the fire works at the end of lake fair and that was the start of our week!
During the beginning of the week I tried to get her to play with her MA's stuff I had bought her last week.... But, she did not have the intrest in the things as she does in her TKD class... Oh well, Another 200 bucks down the drain
On the bright side, her TKD class on Tuesday was exceptional! She behaved very well and was the first (and only) kid to recieve a "sticker". In her class they are not always giving out pieces of tape every class (if they did she would be a black belt at 4 :lol
.... instead, they give out little "you did a good job stickers". As far as LT is concerned, she likes to show her mommy her sticker she earned and then stick them on the inside of her big red wagon (her sticker wall of fame). :lol: She now has about 9 stickers to brighten the insides of her rollin' four wheel dad pulled caddillac
FFF was very proud of her on Tuesday and expected more good things of her today. Well, she did get another sticker, but she was not focused as she was on Tuesday. One of the new little kids is very very 'out there'. No matter what; he is sticking out his tounge, making weird mongoose sounding noises, or picking his nose during class. This of course is very distracting to the instructor, and most of the kids ignore him..... except for Lil' Tiger; whom of course finds the 'mongoose noises' very facinating indeed :lol: She still got her sticker today, but I was very upset that every single time she starts to become the "prodidgy" I know she will become; Some little booger picker comes along and sweeps her off her feet! :lfao:
I think upon the past today (the past of two days ago) and yearn for the well behaved, well-listening Lil' Tiger that I know and love...but alas, it is not to be. The one thing I would change about her class stucture is to have the new kids in a class of their own...then every 3 months, seperate those kids from the "newer" kids coming in. Golly that would be swell.
After her Mexican donut I drove her home. (after buying an 18 pack of course), and a song drifted into my head:
Based on the song "Jessie Paint your Pictures"; By: Jeffery Caddison
from a do - jang in Oly,
Lil' Tiger did come out;
To show her pappy she could learn,
and what she's all about
She said; "lately I've been thinking, bout wearin' a black belt".
Please let me go, to Tae Kwon Do;
You, and Mom, and Me.
Get my gear together,
jump in the Rover and drive real fast!;
and I listened to her promise;
"I swear to God my attention is gonna last......".
Oh Lil' Tiger paint your picture,
about how its gonna be.
By now I should of known better,
TKD lessons are never free....
Tell me all about your dobak with the black belt
hanging to your knees..
Lil' Tiger, you could always sell any dream to me....
Lil' Tiger, you could always sell any
dream to me......
Well, after thinking of this little song from the Chi of Lil' Tiger, I decided Not to dwell upon the past! And; As always, A master Po lesson came to mind:
Boy: Is it good to seek the past, Master Po? Does it not rob the present?
Po: If a man dwells on the past, then he robs the present. But, if a man ignores the past, he may rob the future. The seeds of our destiny are nurtured by the roots of our past.
So with those words of wisdom, I leave you until next time.....
Fight with Heart & Fire always!