Fing Fang Foom
Green Belt
The Chronicles of Lil' Tiger Vol. 2 ~ Chapter 1 ~ Rebirth and "hello Mexican Donuts my old friend... We've come to dine on you again"...
Before starting the next Volume of the World renown, critically acclaimed Chronicles (of which I take full responsibility), I just wanted to add the below links for those that are "new to the C of LT"
To catch up on the Chronicles of Lil' Tiger Part 1, with chapters 1-8:
Chapters 9-13 can be found in the "Dragon's Breath Newsletters #1 thru #5":***The-Dragon-s-Breath!-1-(weekly-newsletter)***&highlight=*****-the-dragon-s-breath!-2-*****&highlight=***-The-Dragon-s-Breath!!!-3-***&highlight=***-The-Dragon-s-Breath!!!-4-***&highlight=***-The-Dragon-s-Breath!!!-5-***&highlight=
Now on with the show! I cannot tell you how happy I am to be here retelling the tales for you all. Someday these writings will surely be "ancient script" to many, and may even be turned into "glyphs" on some stone wall in a cave of an asteroid many light years from us.... But the Great news is! (drumroll).... You get to read them all right now as they happen! LOL (you can say; "I was there when it all happened):ultracool
Well as I mentioned before LT has soooo missed her TKD classes, and never so much as the last few weeks when she was playing soccer like her older sis. She simply Hated it! I was so glad when she mentioned (on her own with no coaching from mwah) that she wanted to go to "karate classes" again (thats still what she calls them most of the time). I could hardly wait for today.
LT was very excited when I reminded her that today was 'the day' for her classes. She hugged me and said; "Oh thank you daddy! I'm gonna go tell mommy". She ran off in a licky-split and reminded her mother and then proceeded to get her uniform on. When she got there we were only about 4 mins early. The mats were crowded with 11 other little kids!!! WOW, someone has been marketing hard lol. It used to be only 4 or 5 kids there total. I was instantly nervous on how she would react to the large crowd. Many of you remember how she 'acted' the 1st few times she attended TKD classes last year... and I was afraid that is would be a repeat of the horrors of last year since she had been gone for so long.
To my suprise she behaved great! She did her little bow when she walked in the dojang and proceeded to take off her slippers and went out onto the mats with the other kids and sat down like a perfect little lady. I was very proud of her
Over the next 40 mins she practiced her little poomse like a champ when the instructor told her too, and when the other little kids (a couple of them) were not paying attention or misbehavin' she continued to focus on the instructor! I could of cried lol. Only a couple of little kids remained from the class last year, and both of them were ahead of her in belts now (She cont's to wear the little white belt with the purple strip), but thats ok. I am sure once she unleashes the inner spirit of Bruce on the class she will be headed for dojang history :ultracool
After class I went at her insistance to buy her one of her favorite "mexican donuts", it had been several months since she had one and I was glad to see her so happy to get one... heck, I didn't even get mad when she wiped the chocolate on her hands all over her blouse.
All kidding aside, Both LT and I are glad to be back in the world of TKD. I look forward to where the years will take her...
Until next time:boing1:
Before starting the next Volume of the World renown, critically acclaimed Chronicles (of which I take full responsibility), I just wanted to add the below links for those that are "new to the C of LT"
To catch up on the Chronicles of Lil' Tiger Part 1, with chapters 1-8:
Chapters 9-13 can be found in the "Dragon's Breath Newsletters #1 thru #5":***The-Dragon-s-Breath!-1-(weekly-newsletter)***&highlight=*****-the-dragon-s-breath!-2-*****&highlight=***-The-Dragon-s-Breath!!!-3-***&highlight=***-The-Dragon-s-Breath!!!-4-***&highlight=***-The-Dragon-s-Breath!!!-5-***&highlight=
Now on with the show! I cannot tell you how happy I am to be here retelling the tales for you all. Someday these writings will surely be "ancient script" to many, and may even be turned into "glyphs" on some stone wall in a cave of an asteroid many light years from us.... But the Great news is! (drumroll).... You get to read them all right now as they happen! LOL (you can say; "I was there when it all happened):ultracool
Well as I mentioned before LT has soooo missed her TKD classes, and never so much as the last few weeks when she was playing soccer like her older sis. She simply Hated it! I was so glad when she mentioned (on her own with no coaching from mwah) that she wanted to go to "karate classes" again (thats still what she calls them most of the time). I could hardly wait for today.
LT was very excited when I reminded her that today was 'the day' for her classes. She hugged me and said; "Oh thank you daddy! I'm gonna go tell mommy". She ran off in a licky-split and reminded her mother and then proceeded to get her uniform on. When she got there we were only about 4 mins early. The mats were crowded with 11 other little kids!!! WOW, someone has been marketing hard lol. It used to be only 4 or 5 kids there total. I was instantly nervous on how she would react to the large crowd. Many of you remember how she 'acted' the 1st few times she attended TKD classes last year... and I was afraid that is would be a repeat of the horrors of last year since she had been gone for so long.
To my suprise she behaved great! She did her little bow when she walked in the dojang and proceeded to take off her slippers and went out onto the mats with the other kids and sat down like a perfect little lady. I was very proud of her

After class I went at her insistance to buy her one of her favorite "mexican donuts", it had been several months since she had one and I was glad to see her so happy to get one... heck, I didn't even get mad when she wiped the chocolate on her hands all over her blouse.
All kidding aside, Both LT and I are glad to be back in the world of TKD. I look forward to where the years will take her...
Until next time:boing1: