Why must the two be mutually exclusive?
I think that everyone can benefit from the martial arts. If for no other reason than this: there was a time when students would have schoolyard scrapes and such and by the time we all got out of high school, we all has a pretty good idea of what it was like to be in a fight. When real trouble came our way, we knew what real trouble was. We knew what it mean to hit and be hit.
Now, our lives are kept so sanitary that the divide between the average citizen and the street tough is so great that the average person is pretty much defenseless in every conceivable way.
Just my vision of things, Daniel. I expect all my students to be at a certain level of physical fitness and mental acuity as a prerequisite to even studying with me. In reality, all my students could be called athletes and most of them are quite sharp with significant professional accomplishments. They don't study with me for some patting on the back as they don't need it.
It may sound elitist, but that's really not what I'm trying to aim for at all. One of my goals in teaching was to find training partners for myself, and frankly I'm not interested in running a fitness class. There are many other available venues for that. I'd like to be able to say that I offer instruction in classical karate with some aiki influences mixed in. The environment is tough-minded and you're really going to have to work at it to keep up with your classmates since everyone is physically strong already.